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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. THE HYPE PAID OFF! Time to oof into oblivion Moosty. We president now.
  2. Take care, Vaporeon. =/
  3. You people call each other friends? Gross.
  4. I like @Moosty because our unspoken love is paramount and can never be rivaled. That's how he got admin, remember? :D
  5. Yeah, that seems pretty ridiculous. Revert back to the old rules pls. +1
  6. Watching people try to sell Earbuds is like when people tried to liquidate Enron stocks.
    1. Kypari


      It's also like watching the grass grow. Why are you watching people try to sell earbuds? Haha
  7. You guys are cute. Srsly tho, that hidden white text.
  8. +1 Asparagus -1 Australian +1 Aspartame -1 Asclepiad
  9. I can't believe the massive amount of butthurt all over the internet in various TF2 forums about this. I plan on making a video to address the recent changes and whatnot, and to tell everyone WHY the TF2 economy isn't pooping.
  10. I know that feel. My Amaranthine Crones went from 400 keys to 600. :D
  11. Good. This is the step that needed to be taken, ever since Earbuds began to quickly fall late last year. It's also no longer necessary to use high-priced items to trade for expensive hats, which was a measure that was taken back when you could only trade a limited amount of items in one trade. Now that there's virtually no limit to how many items you can trade at once, expensive placeholders are no longer necessary. backpack.tf also handled it perfectly. Not only did they quickly rescript their site to keys, but they also priced every single unusual in keys from the time periods of the hats' most recent suggestions. Perfect example was my Amaranthine Crones. It's only ever had one sale (Mine), and at the time, it was a 50 Bud deal. Buds were 12 Keys each when it happened, so my Crones was repriced at 600 Keys. It was formerly priced at 400 keys. This fixed a lot of value issues with EVERY Unusual hat. Granted, there's still a lot of work to be done. Lots of unusual suggestions went through in the past month, so sales basically need to be restarted in order to reprice them. But now that everyone is pricing in keys, things can be handled more like CS:GO. I have high hopes for the future of TF2 trading. Now that Earbuds have been erased from the trading formula, and people are getting rid of them, we can now focus on the TRUE value of the game: Keys.
  12. Well, since April Fools is now in full effect... If you didn't find the hidden white text, check the first letter of each sentence. April Fools, bitches.
  13. I can understand that it's the internet and we're all dumb as hell here, but certain things shouldn't really be said to certain people. Some just have to learn where the line is so they don't cross it. Gayporeon will probably understand that it was an inappropriate comment, but things like suicide and murder requests are pretty shitty things to ask of people. Let's cut back on the autism, kay?
  14. You're so happy that I'm leaving. Why did I tag you? -_-
  15. Lately, things have been very temperamental around xG. Often times, I feel like there’s too much bickering and too much fighting among our members to justify the time that I put into doing what I do. Lots of times I feel like the only reason many of us are here is due to habit and never actually wanting to contribute to make xG a better place. Whoo hoo! Secret message! Just as I have had a difficult time watching many of my friends leave our clan, this post comes as a difficult measure. Usually, I wouldn’t be so long-winded about it, but I really feel that my feelings need to be heard. Sometimes, I wish that the level of stress I have to put up with as an Admin on xG was a lot lower, but alas it isn’t. There have been many moments where I simply had to stop and ask myself “What am I doing here?” Kudos to those who found it in them to stick around as long as you have. I feel like that’s quite an accomplishment. Despite all of this, however, I have decided that it is time for me to step down and leave xG. Don’t take it upon yourself to try and persuade me otherwise. I’ve made my decision. Now, it’s time for me to be moving on. Getting along with most of you has proven to be too difficult to keep maintenance on. If any of you harbor some sort of anger towards me, I can understand. Many of you, I consider close friends, so I don’t exactly expect a lot of whiplash, but I know some of you have butted heads with me in the past, so I’m ready to never speak with a few of you again. Make sure to check the first letter of each sentence! Never have I been apart of a community that was so often divided. Often times I sit back and just laugh about how immature and childish the members of our clan can be. Then, I had an epiphany: I don’t need to be here for this nonsense any longer. Giving into my inner desires to never have to deal with this drama again has been absolutely relieving. Out of madness I venture forth to find brighter and greener pastures. In due time, I’m sure I’ll find another community that will actually have respect for one another, instead of a bunch of mindless idiots fighting with each other and spouting stupid-ass dank memes until they literally go insane with one another. Never again will I look back. Grasp for me to stay all you want, but it’s high time I stop babysitting the meme lords and actually find a group of mature individuals who can carry on like normal-ass human beings. Alas, I will miss many of you. Now comes the time for the sad goodbyes. Yes, I said it: I will miss many of you, and will keep you added as friends on Steam for hopefully the next long while. Who is it that I’ll miss, you ask? Hell, it’s gonna be the people I tag in this post. Every single one of you is a hell of a person and I’m glad xG at least brought us together. Ready the tears, ladies and gents. Envision an xG without Scootaloo, because it’s about to happen. @Moosty @Vector @Hachi @Liekos @kbraszzz @Bach @Tomahawk @Kart @Tekage @Kypari @SaNMiTTaNz @BelloWaldi @ArminArmout @Rejects @RinAoi @Cr1TiKaL @Dethman @SinlyXD @Ghosty @Gorillabot3000 @ChickenPanda @Flareon@Literally my friends list.
  16. I should stop using the forums. I'm tired of being ankle deep in doodie all the time. T.T
  17. Alright look, it was never my intention to piss anyone off. Tirisgarde, I apologize if anything I said upset you and whatnot. I don't want to come off as a pretentious asshole. My apology aside, I still feel it's pretty silly that you can't even ask someone you don't know who they are or question someone's reasoning without the entire community getting super butt chapped over it. I'd like to think we're better than mudslingers around here, but this holier than thou attitude is really starting to get me down. So, once again, sorry if I came across as brash with my posts. Let's get back to Vector's appeal.
  18. I need an extended break.
    1. Moosty


      No plz I'll miss you
  19. Okay so I lied. I didn't leave last night, even though I really should have. I'm actually stepping away now. You guys have fun. Hopefully things cool down a bit in my absence.
  20. Welcome to xG, where everything is a goddamn popularity contest, and anything you say is offensive to somebody.
  21. This is absolutely ridiculous. Has xG really gotten to the point where you can't even ask who someone is without it turning into a goddamn soap opera? It's not my fault if someone takes offense because nobody knows who they are. Credibility is a thing, and if you're going to stand up and voice your opinion, maybe you better be someone who is known by the community, or at least be ready to stand your ground and defend said opinion, instead of getting butt chapped when literally nobody knows who you are or if someone disagrees with you. We get it. He dislikes Vector. Lots of people do. But the fact of the matter is that Vector lays down the goddamn law. Nobody can deny that. Was he an asshole about it when he actually did his job? Sure. But he did his job and he did it effectively. I honestly don't even know what to think about his demotion in the first place. Seems like it was the result of a lot of assbackwards drama, just like we're seeing in this thread right now. Call it disrespect or whatever the hell you want, but if all it takes is asking who someone is to start a fucking argument anymore here, seriously...I just don't even. I'm honestly tired of all this nonsensical bullshit. I babysit enough at work. I honestly don't know why I push myself to do it online in my off-time.
  22. He got mad because nobody knows who he is. He's only been a member for a month, yet he claims to have been a member when Vector was demoted, which happened in December. Sorry if it seems like there's "disrespect" happening here, but literally all that has happened is Vector, Hachi, and myself asked who he was, and he got all defensive and pissy because we haven't the foggiest who he is or why he has this opinion about Vector. Then, he wants to revoke his membership because nobody knows who he is? I just....ugh. I need to take my hiatus more seriously. This shit is too much for me right now.
  23. Why are you getting so pissy? Because people don't know who the hell you are? All that was asked of you was your identity. Heaven forbid someone disagrees with you about something, but if that's how you handle a disagreement, tuck tail and run away, maybe you revoking your membership is for the best. You won't get along with many of our members and/or staff if you can't handle someone disagreeing with you. Your -1 stands. I'm just curious how someone who literally hasn't been member long enough to even remember Vector as an Admin can create such a hostile opinion about him.