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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. It's also quite deplorable that Kitty first caused the massive shitstorm due to "cyber bullying", yet she pressed into her current predicament. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
  2. Ever since the fallout that happened from the Kitty thread, I have begun to dislike her in greater increments with every single post she makes on these boards. I ignored her antagonizing after she lost her moderator privileges. I turned the other cheek when she began complaining about her terrible luck in MvM and how "bad" of a game TF2 is. I held my tongue when she began insulting and talking ill of others in this clan. But I can't stand by idly anymore and watch this shit happen, especially to someone who is as high of a caliber a person as Moosty is. @Kittylicious , you should be ashamed of your actions. If you aren't, it only goes to show how begotten and vile you are as a person. You have literally had EVERYTHING given to you on a silver platter; your mod powers included, yet all you can seem to do with that is brew trouble. You blatantly go out of your way to disrespect and antagonize the people of this community. I once stood by your side and supported you in the past, but I can't support someone who would laugh at someone else's misfortune the way you have done. If there's anything you need to learn from this, it's that you have a hell of a lot of growing up to do. I +1 Moosty's permanent ban request. Kitty is EVERYTHING we should be looking to rid ourselves from this clan if we are to make it a better community. Kitty "left" ages ago, but for some reason, she is still here. I think it's time we MADE her leave. I would wish you well in your future endeavors Kitty, but I don't believe you have shown that same courtesy to anyone else since you've been here. Just....leave. You are no longer welcome.
  3. +1 Doctor Who is active in Jailbreak and is always a pleasure to play with.
  4. I too want this Scoot X Swift ship. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
  5. "Waking up at 8am every day, going to a public school where no one understands you." Yeah, being the teacher isn't easy. =p Oh, and I guess I want a key because not all teachers are assholes. I make my kids actually want to come to school. That's gotta account for something, yeah?
  6. Scootaloo

    Halloween mania

    Here's my costume this year:
  7. Oh, and no proof whatsoever was presented either. This kid kidding? Request thread be closed. @Bach @kbraszzz
  8. - Sentence structure is atrocious. I can't understand what the fuck you were complaining about. - Recently protested a ban, but was overturned....by Bach. Sounds to me like someone's salty. - Ban in question was because you KNOWINGLY broke rules and expected no retaliation to be taken against you. -1. OP Pls.
  9. 7-8 does not classify as a ton. Dunno if you've been on recently, but in the past 3-4 weeks, that server hasn't crested 12-13 people online at all. It's not as if the maps have vanished either. As it was stated earlier, Nintendo Trade is a thing, and it's practically identical to what TGH was before it was changed to 24/7 Clocktown. Now, people actually have a reason to use it.
  10. I thought the whole point of TF2 was that the classes were balanced and countered each other? Where's the "No class is best" option?
  11. Congrats to everyone who received a promo, and to those who got demo'd.... Um, sorry?
  13. I'll give this guy a +1. "Martle" sounds really neat. Srsly, have seen Martle on multiple times. Pleasant and not disruptive.
  14. Bach and Swift hit the nail on the head. Our Admins and Mods need a crash course in etiquette when it comes to dealing with issues. We need to stop treating our patrons like highschoolers treat each other and set a higher precedence for our clan. I do want to disagree the point that we don't need different servers, however. We have quite a few extra servers that are simply duplicates of others that are never populated. I think a Surf and a Dodgeball server would be excellent additions to our repertoire, allowing us to expand to other parts of the TF2 community that we currently do not reach. But our main focus needs to be how we deal with other players first. Fix that, then worry about repopulation.
  15. I'm going to be the one who strays from the norm here. I personally like the change back to 24/7 Clocktown. It's always been my favorite map out of the entire rotation, and I remember the glory days when it was always Clocktown before we began trying other maps. Don't get me wrong, the other maps are amazing as well, but Clocktown seems to be the one that nearly ALWAYS gets voted for, due to its design and its popularity. It isn't as if we lost the other maps either. We still have the Nintendo based server where all the other maps have roosted. I say keep it as is. I hated switching maps every ten minutes because people have an attention span of a potato. One map is fine by me, and I have no issues with Clocktown. EDIT: I am aware that Nintendo is not very popular at the moment, but now people actually have a reason to go there. It doesn't share 80% of its maps with TGH anymore. Short answer to the issue is that if you want to play on the other Nintendo maps, use the Nintendo server.
  16. How about we change "No immature voices." to "Keep the mic open for traders." on trade servers? We can enforce other rules if need be, and lump in the annoying ones to mic spam if they get out of control? I've heavily enforced the "No squeakers" rule since I received mod, but I honestly feel like it is a tad bit discriminatory. Do away with it and just deal with the annoying ones.
  17. Congrats to Moosty for receiving your powers. Congrats at Kbraszzle for being Super Mod with Super AIDS. =D Congrats to everyone, really! This is good news!
  18. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Hydro725 (B-day on Oct 31) Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80709454 Rules Broken: Ran after losing a Spycrab game. Evidence: User was in Unusual trade server and ran from a Spycrab after losing. Multiple Members, Mods, and Admin present at the time who watched the crab and can vouch that he ran. @Vector, @Tekage, @Roast .
  19. I think it's a great idea to implement something like this, but these vote systems are easily abused by large amounts of people. As long as it can be regulated and isn't abused, I'm all for it.
  20. I don't know about his past shenanigans, but from what I've seen in the servers, he is active, pretty chill, and usually not annoying or disrespectful on the mic. I'll kick him a +1. Why the hell not?
  21. I agree. This one seems like it can stay. The other rule, however.... That will need to be disregarded. =)
  22. I wouldn't mind Halloween mode on the servers, except for Unusual Trade. It makes Spycrabbing a real headache. =(