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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. Can Vector be brash? Sure. Can he be an asshole? Sure. Was it necessary to COMPLETELY demote him to member? Fuck if I know, but it did seem rather sudden and perhaps a bit overkill, as I'm not sure an official reason has been presented, other than complaints against his demeanor. Vector is a pretty chill dude, even if he can come off as a bit offensive at times. I'm sure he can curb his enthusiasm though. I feel like the whole scenario is a bit awkward, as it doesn't seem as things were communicated well. There was a lot of confusion about the initial demotion, which has been sort of lumped underneath an umbrella of complaints against his attitude. But, the question remains as to whether or not it was ever addressed or improvement opportunities were presented. Was Vector ever actually told "Hey, don't say racist stuff" or "Stop telling people to kill themselves" or he'd face a demotion? It seems a bit off if that isn't the case. I mean, how can you fix an issue if you don't know it's an issue, right? I'm honestly torn on this one. I want to stand behind my DLs on this one, but not if it was handled poorly. I also want Vector to remain on the staff, but only if the proposed issues are handled and taken care of. Will the lack of communication be an issue in the future? I honestly hope not. I'm stuck in the middle. I want to remain neutral. I want to come to some sort of satisfactory solution to all the problems, but I fear that I won't be able to make a decision on this outcome without upsetting someone, which makes me sad. =( I guess what I'm saying is I am +1 for the reinstatement of Vector to Mod. This time, let's handle things like adults and actually fucking TALK to each other when there's an issue, yeah? Can't say I'm innocent of this myself. Indirect or incorrectly interpreted communication on my part may have been a catalyst, which I apologize for. Either way, let's fix this mess so it doesn't cause burnt bridges.
  2. Literally everything is populated, so what's all this about "Everything just seems so dead"? Either way, I guess I'll see you around. =/
  3. I mean, since I kind of feel like I'm on blast for something, here's a link to ALL of my bans: Xeno Gamers I have less than 30 bans on record, all except for 10 of them are a day or less. 8 of those 10 are the individuals who mic-bombed Pokemon that evening. As I said before, I act accordingly when there is an issue, never impulsively.
  4. But the Pokemon scenario was an exception. Usually, my process goes: Verbal/Typed Warning -> Kick -> Short Ban -> Long Ban Length of bans all depend on the offense. I rarely initiate anything longer than a day. When I do, it's because someone isn't being reasonable. EXPLANATION OVER.
  5. As for the actual Admin Handbook, I feel that the /ban command is not being abused in any way here. Every scenario is different. Do I think that it could use a bit of updating? Sure. Things could be regulated a bit better and explained in further detail, but the /ban command is ours to use TO REGULATE SERVERS AND KEEP PEACE. That's exactly what I did by banning those 8 individuals for the excessive mic spam. I stand by my actions and can honestly say that a 5 minute ban would have just invited them back in to wreak havoc after the minuscule ban was over. I act accordingly. I don't overreact. I think with a level-head and only act when absolutely necessary. But I won't apologize for it, and it definitely isn't "cringy".
  6. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I was flagged a few nights ago by one of our regulars saying that there was intense mic spamming going on in the Pokemon server. I logged in and joined the server to find 8 individuals, all with similar names and avatars, spamming the everloving hell out of the server. There was all sorts of nonsense, including the "FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY" guy, some sort of satanic chanting, audio from one of Hitler's speeches, as well with a lot of other stuff. There was no mod on at the time other than myself. Using /csay, I broadcasted to the server that this was their one and only warning to stop the spam or they would face a ban. This was obviously a group of trolls, but I felt it would be good to cover my bases and give at least one warning. When none of them ceased the spam, I proceeded to individually ban each member involved for a period of one week. I feel the ban was justified. I gave a warning before initiating the ban of these obvious trolls. Later, when I spoke about these bannings with Bach and Kbraszzz in Teamspeak, I explained exactly what had happened to both of them, then Bach decided to lengthen the ban to Permanent. I never initiated the Permanent Bans. I initiated week bans for what I thought was an intentional break of our rules. I tread VERY carefully when I hand out bans and only use them as a last resort, but I feel that the nature of the situation, kicking would have been ineffective.
  7. So, some guy has a shit mic, gets asked to change settings, refused to, then gets banned. THEN, he bitches about it here, only to be shat all over. Then he posts to 4CHAN about it? Oh man, this thread.
  8. +1 Armin has been around for fucking EVER. Get his ass in xG finally.
  9. Do away with it. Give us a Surf and/or a Dodgeball arena instead. =p
  10. +1 Have it. Chill dude. Active in TS.
  11. So many +1s in such a short amount of time. Must be some sort of record.
  12. +1 Because I'd be sleeping on the couch if not. XD
  13. Scootaloo

    Fanfic thread

    Not even going near that.
  14. Scootaloo

    Fanfic thread

    Also, please know that I will not use anyone's name without first getting consent from the persons involved. @Kypari , @Tekage , @Popcorn...I know you do not wish to be used, so you won't have to worry about it from me.
  15. Scootaloo

    Fanfic thread

    I don't think I will be writing any more fanfics, but if I do, DO NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO USE YOUR NAME THEN GET SUPER BUTTMAD AT ME WHEN I ACTUALLY DO IT. kthx
  16. Oof. Here we go. *Grabs popcorn*
  17. Issue fixed. This thread can be closed now. ^-^
  18. Scootaloo

    Fanfic thread

    @Hachi, sorry I wasn't on to read it to you. =(
  19. Scootaloo

    Fanfic thread

    I'm working on part two. 50 Shades of Oof: Hachi's Hoobastank