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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. #DinklebergHachiConfirmed
  2. April Fools is over now. Closing thread because too dank.
  3. EDIT: Disregard what I said before the edit. I was mistaken. The age requirements don't actually go into effect until May 1st. Since that's a thing, I'm gonna +1 as well. :D
  4. EDIT: Disregard what I said before the edit. Apparently, the agre restrictions don't actually go into effect until the 1st of May. My apologies for that miscommunication. Thread has been reopened.
  5. I occasionally see Akame on whenever I log in, and this individual always seems chill. They've got my +1 for sure. ^-^
  6. EDIT: Disregard what I said before the edit. Apparently, the agre restrictions don't actually go into effect until the 1st of May. My apologies for that miscommunication. Thread has been reopened.
  7. Wait, this kid serious? After the MULTIPLE warnings I've personally given for him to cease the bodyblocking, and it ends up getting him banned? Lol yeah, no way you're being unbanned if you continuously ignored the warnings. I admire your persistence, but sadly it will do nothing for you here.
  8. Nah. Mods typically do a decent job in controlling chat spam. I don't think we necessarily need to do a chat filter for lennys, as there's simply waaaay too many ways to make a lenny, and people would just find ways to get around the filters anyways. Seems pointless to me. =/
  9. BobbyWow can be free if he buys me a Pro KS kit for a Medi Gun with some sort of Villainous Violet sheen of any effect except for Hypno Beam. :D
  10. Scootaloo

    Gaem O' Tronez

    SPOILERS: Tyrion beds with one of Daenarys's dragons and has retard midget dragon babies. The Spyder becomes the Dragonborn. John Snow isn't actually Ned Stark's bastard, but is Tywin Lannister's true heir, and ends up winning the war for the Lannisters. Joffrey is reborn three days after his death and Easter begins. George R. R. Martin dies before finishing the books and nobody knows how it ends. The White Walkers just want a kickass party, so after they go to the Rave in Dorne and get jacked up on ecstasy, they go back to their mountains and chill while watching Pink Floyd's The Wall.
  11. Okay, so I just wanted to take a moment to address an issue I have already seen a few times while in a game. ORBITING IS A HELL OF A LOT OF FUN. We all know. We get it. BUT PLEASE, if you're the only person left on your team, DO NOT sit there and orbit the rocket for four goddamn minutes. It gets really boring just sitting there watching some dude orbit. Mods, if there is someone who insists on orbiting over and over again without continuing the game, please warn, then slay.
  12. I'm still waiting on my Sourcebans account btw. =)
  13. I'm +1ing the addition of a TF2Ware and a Prophunt server. Hells to the yes. Pls.
  14. Lol, as soon as I figure mine out, I'll post it. (Still new to the whole 3DS thing.)
  15. Ban was for evasion. After this individual started micspamming, I asked him/her to stop, to which they ignored. Then came the mute. After the mute, I was berated in chat, saying I needed to take a vote in order to mute this person. I explained that no, I did not need a vote, that we have rules against mic spam, and they continued to persist. The mute was then upgraded to a gag, at which the individual logged out and back in to avoid the silence. A week ban was administered for breaking our rules. Not my fault they couldn't listen or read our rules. I don't really care if playing music makes you happy. Mic spam is mic spam, and the attitude didn't help your case. That's why the ban was upgraded to a week. Perhaps with this ban, you have learned not to do it in the future. Thread closed. Come back in a week and leave your guitar at home.
  16. I'm with Moosty on this one. If there is evidence presented that this person is toxic to our community, I'll happily change my vouch. But as of now, all we have is his story, and unless @Rise can comment, that's all we have to go on. It's not like we can't ban him again if he does decide to fuck around anyways.
  17. If he cares enough to protest the ban, I say give him another chance. There's no real information as to WHY he was banned, and the Admin who executed the ban is no longer with us. Sure. +1.
  18. User is being issued a week ban for breaking the rules on capping. Thread closed.
  19. Well done on the plusses and whatnot. We can member you good in 24 hours. XD
  20. Long story short, Bach downloaded LMAOBOX and wanted to test it out, so he created a new account called [FaZe]BobbyWow and proceeded to decimate everyone on Dodgeball with his l33t hax0rz skill. Eventually, BobbyWow was perm'd, and now everyone wants to free him. Shortly afterwards, hilarity and autism ensued.
  21. Chicken nuggies for lunch today.
  22. Oh hell, I completely forgot about the 24 hour thing. My bad. I guess he's not a member yet. XD
  23. Invalid name, multiple cap instances, voteban? Yeah, +1 on this from me.