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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. That's what I was thinking, but the charts from Backpack.tf show that the biggest spikes usually happen around August-Octoberish. So I'm trying to decide if they will go back up. I can't see this being their high point this year. It seems so off. =/
  2. Surfing is a strong favorite of mine because it is something I am relatively decent at. I also love playing Pyro Dodgeball quite a bit. I think it'd be pretty sweet if xG had its own Dodgeball server. Maybe we can add one? =D
  3. As a self-proclaimed surgeon with the Loose Cannon, I personally believe Base Jumpers are prime targets. I say keep it.
  4. I prefer FF2 myself, but it never seems like anyone wants to play. =(
  5. Science. It's math in action. Always loved teaching the Science lessons more than anything else. You should see how hard my students defecate themselves when I make a cloud in a jar. It's really awesome. :D TF2-wise, I have always loved Scout, but more recently (After acquiring my Loose Cannon and Aus. Eyelander) I have been loving the shit out of Donk Demo. So much fun and so difficult to be good with.
  6. Anything by Twin Atlantic would be bitching .=D
  7. So I'm sitting on 10 BMOCs of various colors. One even has two Halloween Spells on it. The question is, should I sell now or hold? I acquired each hat at roughly 8 keys each. Over the past few weeks, they rose to 13-14 keys, then pilfered back down to 12. So what do you guys think, should I sell and net 4 keys profit per hat now, or do you think there is room for growth? I'd like to get 15 each, and in the previous years, they averaged a peak of about 18 keys. Just wanted some input. (If this is inappropriate for this subforum, I apologize.)
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkm9_maoKuQ
  9. Scootaloo

    The Old Xg

  10. Curious, but what do you guys define as a "furry"?
  11. Mateo S. - YouTube All videos by this fatass. XD
  12. Jesus, I woke up to find an assload of notifications waiting for me. Took me 30 minutes to read all the replies and ratings to my stuff, (And apparently I found out I'm a furry somehow. Weird how that works,) and I feel like nothing was accomplished in that time. Anyways, I think it's pretty clear that EVERYONE has had their say in this terrible matter. (Unless there are any of the moderators who haven't given their two cents yet that I may have missed.) Does this thread really need to be open any longer? +1 to have the thread closed so the CLs may adequately address the issue and come to a solution. I think everyone has given their two cents and now a decision can be reached.
  13. Cyber bullying is no laughing matter kids. Doing for the lulz isn't impressive, cool, or edgy. Neither is making fun of people who try and commit suicide, ESPECIALLY children. Jesus, if I wanted cancer of this magnitude, I'd go hang around /b/ for a few hours.
  14. I really wish you would. Keep pushing his buttons so he has reason to ban you from the forums. You're toxic input is doing nothing to alleviate this situation.
  15. You're talking to a guy who has a screencap from 4chan mocking a child who tried to kill himself in his signature, yet he speaks of "ignorant minded children with no social lives" . I doubt you are going to get through to him, considering the level of hypocrisy.
  16. Do you have anything to contribute to this situation, or are you just going to try and start another conflict? I didn't see your name anywhere in the OP, so perhaps you should go start problems elsewhere? Because I'd say your "contributions" are the last thing this thread needs right now.
  17. No offense Muzzle, but people shutting the fuck up when they should have spoken out is exactly what led to this problem in the first place. This is a time for discussion, not silence.
  18. @kbraszzz Would you like me to feel sorry for you, too? ^-^
  19. I have no idea how to express what I am feeling when it comes to this post. I really don't. I guess I'll just start it off bluntly. From my experiences thus far, I have no inherent issues with any of the moderation staff of xG. I rather enjoy their company for the most part. But when I see something like this literally rock-slide out of control, it makes me take a step back and take a good, hard look at the xG servers as a whole. I like you guys. I really do. But there are times when I am facepalming myself so hard I nearly give myself a concussion. The maturity levels of some of our moderators, at times, seems to be extremely underwhelming. There have been many times that I have been in a server and chose to disconnect due to the content being spewed over the voice chat by those who have the power to kick other players. Sometimes, I just don't want to be in the same server as some of you. But, I don't want you guys to think I am trying to stir the pot. I am just being honest. It would seem to me that there needs to be some sort of revolution with the way staff conducts themselves. Some more than others, of course. But for the most part, our staff here do what needs to be done, but there are those moments where things escalate and words are said that do not help the situation at all. Sometimes, it feels like the moderators forget that the other people playing on the servers are, in fact, other people. I consider myself a pretty level-headed individual. I think logically before I speak and try to avoid hasty decisions. I process the possible outcomes of every scenario before I take action. I always try to resolve conflict with open communication. Any time I have an issue with someone, the first thing I try to do is contact that individual so I may directly speak with them. @Mitsu and @Hachi can probably vouch for me on that. I've been known to be an ass, but when I'm an ass and it upsets someone, I am quick to try and fix the problem. I own up to the situation and take responsibility for my actions. I'm not perfect, but I have a pretty good track record of cleaning up my messes. It would seem to me that the moderators need to find that innate ability to own up for their mistakes. EVERYONE makes mistakes, and when those mistakes go uncorrected, the head begins to fester until it bursts. This brings me to the situation at hand. The situation makes me feel a lot of feelings for a lot of the people involved. I feel upset that this rift has been created among the staff. I feel sorry for @Kittylicious and the position she has been placed in. I feel sorry for the other moderators that have been put in this situation and have to defend their actions. I feel sorry for @Nomulous because of the awkward situation it has put him in. It is just a proverbial shitpile. NOTHING good will come of this. But I have chosen to stand and help. I have chosen to remain in the middle, waiting until someone calls on me to referee the situation. I want to help EVERYONE involved on both ends and I want to see a sound resolution to these issues. I teach second graders. I see this kind of stuff DAILY. I can safely say that I am an EXCELLENT mediator when it comes to personal problems, so if ANYONE needs to talk to me about the issue, my door is always open. I only hope that we can resolve this issue civilly. If there's anything I can do to help, please contact me.
  20. Ah. Good to know that it is being recovered at some point. Thanks Nom. Hope yer recovery goes well.
  21. Oh, gotcha. Well, I hope the exploit is either fixed or dealt with, but I really hope UDons don't lose total access to Buddha. That's one of the main reasons I wanted UDon. =(
  22. @Vector So it's just Pokemon then? If it's to fix some exploit, I understand. Just wanted to know why. Thanks for chiming in! =D