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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. Can confirm. Was there the entire time. +1
  2. What a classy way to accept your ban.
  3. No, there was no disrespect taken at all! <3 And yeah, I've been a member on the forums for the past year, but I've been frequenting xG for MUCH longer. I just did the paperwork a year ago. =D Also, if I seemed to make you out as the "bad guy", I apologize. I didn't mean to do that. <3
  4. Respect goes quite a long ways when it comes to your fate in a server. Be a dick, banned like a dick. (I can't vouch for the thread being derailed though. I had no part in that.) Breaking rules is breaking rules. Should there be a higher threshold for rule-breakers if they've donated money? I don't think there should be. I mean, you basically said "He broke the rules. But he paid money, so we should ignore the rules he broke." I've already tagged @Vector so that we could figure it out. Either way, his ban went from a week to Permanent due to his actions and his attitude. I think that can't be ignored at this point. I know you well, EZKill, having been a member ALMOST as long as you have. I hope you don't take any of my posts personally, I just want to get to the bottom of it, like you do.
  5. So, I just sat down and reread through the whole post. I nonchalantly glazed over it when I first commented, but now that I have actually sat and reread everything, I think I have all the knowledge on the situation. The way I was always told, spawning in bosses DOES require the 70% approval, but I was also always instructed to NEVER do more than 3 or 4 at a time, as the load can be too stressful on the server and cause a crash. I had no idea it was actually stated that ANY number of bosses could be spawned at any time with an approved vote, but I still wouldn't think it'd be good to do more than a few at a time. The matter of fact is that the only person who can make a judgment about your interaction with Vector is @Vector himself. I have no idea the context of the situation with him, if he asked you to stop spawning bosses and you ignored his request, or what the factors were. Because of this, I cannot pass a sound judgment on that inclination since I was not there. What I CAN judge were the actions taken after the initial ban was set in place. The evasions, the lifing of the ban behind Vector's back without a ban protest thread, the smart-assing to the mods, and the antagonizing of the mods on the forums. It seemed to stem from the first issue with Vector, where the problems should have been squashed in the beginning, but they were never settled. What SHOULD have happened was an open communication with Vector, not Nomulous, and this would have probably been avoided. I don't want to call for a shortening on the ban as I was not involved, but I would say that the entire ordeal was handled poorly, and it doesn't help your case whatsoever. =(
  6. Perm may be a bit harsh. I'd say reinstate the original week ban and see where it goes from there. I'm sure Egossi is more than capable of realizing that what he did was a no-no, and should he do it again, THEN we can perm him. My two cents.
  7. Spawning 10 bosses when that is against rules? Evading a ban? Not talking directly to the mod who banned you? Asking another mod to overturn the ban? Evading the ban? Evading again with a secondary account? Actively choosing to not resolve the issue but instead dodge it? -1 Doesn't sound like this one needs to come off the list.
  8. So, have the Mod permissions already been distributed, or will it be a bit before that happens? ^-^
  9. STEAM_0:1:32450590 Sorry, here is my ID NUMBER.
  10. Steam Community :: Scootaloo Here's my community ID, you know, for reasons. =D
  11. They couldn't even be bothered to correctly spell "Professional". XD
  12. Not seeing you there. Here's my steam address. Send me a request. Steam Community :: Scootaloo
  13. Sweet! Do we have each other added on steam? I'll check real fast.
  14. I'll offer 2 BMOCs for the Buds and Bills? =D
  15. Damn, I was gonna say Tekage's Thunderous Tinder Topper.
  16. Thanks for the input Bonk. I'll talk it over with a few of the higher ups. <3
  17. What constitutes as "earning it"? I mean, I've been more than active in ALL forms of xG for well over two years, have given a hand with many a tough situation, donated with in-game items, and am more than qualified to handle unruly people (I teach 7 year olds.).
  18. Yes, that's exactly what I plan on doing. I have no access to Mod App because I lack donator, but I have donated.
  19. So, quick question: I am an Uber Donator in all of the xG servers, because I made the donation to get those privileges. Should I be tagged as a Donator on the forums too? It'd be nice to have access to things that you need "Donator" for, so I was wondering if the two cross each other. =)
  20. I haven't played Minecraft in ages. I was just wondering, how is 1.8? I used to host a private server and have been considering running one again. Did 1.8 introduce a lot of good stuff? =D
  21. Currently jamming to Twin Atlantic's newest album Great Divide.