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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. I am still pretty keen on Corpse Princess. I really liked that one. =3
  2. #MoostyForWorldPresident
  3. Thanks Kitty! Also, if you guys have any requests, I'd gladly consider them! ^-^
  4. That mic is absolutely horrid. I hate it. It makes my ears bleed any time someone spams a taunt into it.
  5. Well, I too feel like I need to get a new headset, as I hate my Triton Kunais. They aren't loud enough and the mic is pretty sub-par. Can't recommend anything, but I'd say stay away from Triton. =/
  6. I, for one, welcome our new Dcook overlords.
  7. Someone on Reddit captured my beautiful face from one of my YouTube videos. Amazing.
  8. I'm probably going to be streaming something in a little bit. I have stuff to do in about an hour or so, so I will see if I get some free time before that happens!
  9. So, I submitted my Twitch TV channel for the approved streams here on the forums, and it was accepted! <3 So, here is a short schedule of some of the things I plan on doing via that channel: MONDAYS and FRIDAYS - I play Project M (A Super Smash Bros Brawl mod) with a bunch of my IRL friends. We will be streaming our games at 7:00PM MST on these days. TUESDAYS and WEDNESDAYS - Nothing set in stone yet, but we may be doing a TF2 stream on these days after I get off work. Not set in stone, but it could be anything from dicking around in one of the xG servers to Pyro Dodgeball to Surfing to PUG games. SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS - Free For All days. Currently, I've been playing Five Nights at Freddy's, so that may be continued until I beat the 5th, 6th, and 7th nights. I am open for suggestions. I also do a lot of emulation-based games too. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite may be in the works, as I have a craving to play that. Hope you guys enjoy!
  10. Scootaloo

    Urgent Bad

    Brian? Who is this Brian?
  11. She was getting the Scootatickles. My bad.
  12. Scootaloo


    This was magnificent. The dude executed this so well. (PSA, this was satire.)
  13. "Scootaloo is hacking. I can't kill him." -Random non-member in TGH.
  14. Don't go phishing. XD
  15. Lol, this is pretty well done. XD
  16. What will it take to make this map playable? Remove the low gravity? Fix Gruntilda or completely disable her? We need moar wars for the Scootahive, Moosty.
  17. Liek if u cry evrytiem.
  18. It would seem ANY bonus in JB would be considered unfair, considering the entire game mode is dependent on people dying and whatnot. =/
  19. Can't tell you how annoying this is. It's a melee only room, so when someone glitches in a Primary, it really puts everyone else at a disadvantage.
  20. +1 for custom JB skins. This could be really cool, if say Red Team all spawned in with orange jumpsuits or something, but only if it doesn't conflict with any item equips and such. =D