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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Did someone say? Cyber bully @[4110:@ThePenguin] ?
  3. I honestly just noticed this blame @kbraszzz for not telling me
  4. STEAM_0:1:46489187 real steam ID. Anyway +1
  5. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: SLAG|Bad-Batter Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:46489187 Information: I have no idea how long ago this was by my retarded friend got banned from Jailbreak. It was a long ass time ago and I don't know why I'm making this for him because he is a fat ass Canadian. So it's been awhile so pleasernio unbannernio :D
  6. Hahaha you are both equally dumb. But Cooly can act dumb more than you snipes. Considering it took Cooly 2 hours to complete a regular bank heist on payday on normal difficulty.
  7. Nothing against you swift but I'm going to -1 you. Honestly impersonating Vector twice is not cool. M:6/10 A:7/10
  8. Hey guys remember how the vouches weren't clear last thread cuz penguin is high or something but it's better you make more clear vouches +1, -1 and reason. I don't understand why the last was unclear but still. Blame @ThePenguin
  9. Why the fuck is this a thing though. I kind of wish I had CL powers so i could get rid of the TGH princess thread and this one. No princesses please for the love of God. I've started this I'm ending it. @kbraszzz please close this steaming pile of shame
  10. What the actual fuck. Oh my god Cooly you did this didn't you. You scrub
  11. You're [insert racism comment here]
  12. I should give you a "swift" jab to the face
  13. Muzzle

    Book of yee

    @kbraszzz @John_Madden @FoRgE @TwoZeroFour
  14. Muzzle

    Book of yee

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljJ_OpRX-24 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZZxsSdKiOM
  15. Muzzle

    Book of yee

    Shitpost Intesifies ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9No76fb0H-k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnRI4CrOT18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz5jZeNdfcY
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0
  17. +1 active fun and a cool guy can quikscope confirmed M:8/10 A:10/10