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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Pfft you're only 14. More like 12. +1 M:1/10 A:9/10
  2. Might be on android I have no idea
  3. I saw this trailer on YouTube for BioShock 1. I was like cool DLC or a prequel because that happens a lot these days.... *cough* borderlands *cough* But I just wanted to know how the hell this would operate. I might check it out if there is a Lite version. But I wanted to know from some BioShock fans on there thoughts on this matter. @MisterFink
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSuxxYTgs-c No but really bello welcome back I didn't know everyone would be so offended
  5. I beat my little pony rainbow colored assholes
  6. Official fire challenge anyone?
  7. My favorite TF2 mod is @CoolyCooly
  8. @BelloWaldi +1 nice guy funny cool M:10/10 A:9/10
  9. 0 cuz I'm not sure if he's a ISIS member or not.....
  10. @shikaku158 see what happens when you mess with the horns of a bull nigga
  11. Division: MMO In-Game Name: shikaku158 Offender's Steam ID: It's fucking forum ban Rules Broken: Spam of ratings Evidence: He spammed this because I rated his friend downs on a thread explaining that he wanted to troll. So before this gives me a bad rep banned him for a day or so @Chrono @DrLee @ThePenguin
  13. Minecraft division forgotten? :o wow I'm so going to get mod now that I'm banned
  14. Aaaaaaayyyyyeeee congrats Kendrick
  15. +1 Jpie wants this. M:8/10 A:7/10