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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Someone get me a 2015 Mustang
  2. The same thing happened to Garry's mod once. I'm sure valve can handle it.
  3. I agree with forge that sounds like a legit apology +1
  4. What a do, scrubs? Muzzle is back. The most autisic thing sense canned bread. Although I prefer the term artistic. -.- i actually waited for my time to be up unlike a select few of scrubs who will not be named (@FoRgE @Moosty) :) anyways I am back! I don't know if I'm staying long but for right now I'm back
  5. @kbraszzz @DrLee @Hidingmaster @Nomulous
  6. Derailed faster than most threads
  7. It's a shitpost there is no need to read
  8. You mean the entire thread right?
  9. +1 cool guy and I would like him in xG M:10/10 A:10/10
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCbGVaKkIfQ
  11. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't
  12. Is this StarmiX or the actual
    1. bearded_taco


      by shouting "Go to the yellow line i say!"
    2. Muzzle


      What do you say when someone disobeys
    3. bearded_taco


      shout "you don't listentomwdysewa nothing!"
    4. Show next comments  45 more
  13. @TwoZeroFour @John_Madden @BonfireCentipede @Vector how does it feel to be on the same rank as a scrubmithian. No but really congrats Barm. Kart I promised I wouldn't cry but you're all grown up now. Scooty congrats! StarmiX go home...
  14. @kbraszzz @TwoZeroFour @FoRgE