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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. I'm enjoying a Lingui in here
  2. Both! Although Kbraszzz is a scrub
  3. Yes nom btw I'm a donator so I need mod from you ;_;
  4. Hmph two DLs what are we minecraft division ;)
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGNiXGX2nLU
  6. Is this fucking legit wow didn't expect this lmao Well here ya go STEAM_0:1:29181801 Edit: lee sure does deliever damn
  7. Cooly you are one of the people that stay in specate for an hour. Not to mention that if mods are in specate for ten mintues and normally rounds take 6 or less mintues they don't need to be in there for that long. So think about that COOLY
  8. Evidence pls. I don't deny this didn't happen but still it won't be passed without evidence
  9. rdm Bleed 2k14
  10. Muzzle

    Halp meh!

    Buy a new computer lol
  11. Muzzles guide to drinking! 1. Get drunk 2. Shitpost
  12. Ebola virus spreading pretty fast
  13. I've seen to notice whenever the server on JB or anything else the spect slots go up and I forget which server it is that doesn't kick for afk. I think that specators that are gone for more than five mintues should be kicked due to inactivity. Whenever a server is full it's impossible to get on. So this is why I believe this should be a rule thank you -Muzzle
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySO-gryuO-c this would be perfect too @Nomulous
  15. Spoiler Alert: Everyone dies
    1. Swift


      aaww man :(
  16. Ehhh I find this to be flawed and disobeyed like on JB so I think I'll pass this would be abused fairly quickly and worse than JB
  17. Muzzle

    Best joke na

    *Dethman and *Duckijr