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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. I know Kbraszzz has it. So does Bach. I think
  2. Here is an idea how about everyone shuts the fuck up and we don't break law regarding cyber bullying. Even though cyber bully can be solved by closing the fucking computer. Just wait until cl's figure to do what they need to do. So everyone shut the fuck up
  3. I think we should boot that muzzle guy he's an asshole +1
  4. Hey I guess I better go back to normal muzzle or I'll get shot by the trade gaming history cartel. So I guess I have to act like a nice guy?
  5. I thought we closed the idle thread for this reason in particular
  6. You know at times like these were I have a member protest I like to go to videogamedunkey - YouTube
  7. Can I say something Bach found it hilarious. I don't really fit in this thread so Kitty if you want me to go just say go
  8. @Kittylicious I think you weren't reading carefully enough. This took a turn for the worse
  9. Did I already -1 this? If not then -1 this is a terrible idea
  10. Muzzle

    Fucking Hackers

    I'm always here to start shit
  11. Muzzle

    Fucking Hackers

    American currency is dollars not dollos sorry can't help
  12. How many stupid profile pictures could one man have? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    1. Muzzle
    2. Barmithian


      When I said that I meant profile pics that make no sense. Not like stupid as in bad. You literally have a kid with a lazy eye
    3. Fink


      Barm your picture is the fucking awesome face please stahp
  13. Muzzle

    Change Of Leadership

    If anyone is taking xG it's Cooly
  14. "This got really gay really fast" -Bach 2k14
    1. xGShadowSpy


      The thing everyone said their first time playing xG
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3F4GmbHl5g
  16. It was mostly a joke but okay. Filthy Frank is fun for the whole family
  17. For the swears in some of these song there should be a sensor that when it hears a high pitched noise it knows not to play those songs. So we don't expose children under the age or Snipes. I would love to hear some of the filthy frank songs on the last ct.
  18. I enjoy pro job fire starter death wish
  19. Hey faghot you forgot about me :shifty: >:|