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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Unban me :woot::woot::woot::woot::woot:
  2. I was wondering if people wanted to exchange friend codes. I don't have it right now but I can get back to it so just post it in this thread and we could play animal crossing new leaf .3. @kbraszzz @MisterFink
  3. Ave satanae in desolationem
  4. Why are you acting like a bad white rapper
    1. realBelloWaldi


    2. Muzzle
    3. realBelloWaldi


      - @[50908:@John_Madden]
  5. Wait wait wait you're black?
  6. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hell nononono no no no
  7. 1/1? Still not valid lmao
  8. No no no
    1. Muzzle


      No no no no no no no no no no no no
  9. +1 I think he'a cool M:8 A:10
  10. First things first mine was a joke. Second I am frequent on the unusual server bruh. So don't get them panties in a bunch. People just think that this isn't so official due to the fact both of you are only mods. My sugesttion is getting on ts and discussing this with Kbraszz or Nom
  11. Muzzle

    Tf2: no more pinion!

    Piñion rip in hell furfag
  12. esto es mierda de toro das ist bull shit это бык дерьмо това е бик лайна
  13. Honestly does anyone care about the unpopulated servers for the same reason they are unpopulated or we could get rid of one of are thousands of trade servers
  14. +1 +1 +1 TENOUTATEN best game
  15. So @Barmithian had this idea that what if we had a story mode tf2 game mode. The way he explained it was pretty cool. I thought that with @Nomulous coding and @ColdEndeavour map making we could make this work. So barm I'm going to explain what i remember fill in if I'm wrong. You explore around a wasteland or something and fight enemy bots. Now Barmithian had something like with bosses it would be like slender but instead of just running away you fight them. Just think it as a co-op tf2 campaign. doesn't even need a damn story line just a cool little adventure thing. Barm fill in what I missed.
  16. Muzzle

    New plugin?

    I feel indifferent about this. Staff should be able to go undercover and I guess it would help to see if anyone is help during a mass freekilling or what not. I feel like this is pointless