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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. Hey guys my birthday is coming up really soon. June 18 to be exact. My mom has asked me what I wanted in a desktop. I would like to stay in the 300 price range but I'd rather save my mom money. So I just want ones that will load steam games and not be slow as fuck. So if you could tell me what you guys usually use that would be cool. But i would rather have a windows computer if you guys could help out I would really appreciate it

  2. This is a tough one. All the characters are so lovable. I use to say scout because I really didn't care for slower speeds. But then I decided to try out others. I enjoyed medic but just not enough to make him my favorite. Oh and at the time the only TF2 I knew was the orange box for xbox 360. I never got use to sniper enough because I can't snipe with controls. I'm not going to explain all my opinions on every class back then. Now usually I play as scout, demo, soldier, sniper, and occasionally spy. I mean I use all classes but pyro should be banned from tournaments.