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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. Since Illinois is like a teenage girl on her period with all the random weather changes. I won't be starting finals til June unless there's a fucking drought or blizzard on the way

  2. Lassies and Laddies it is cum to evary1s attention dat jail brock vone and two are broke. This is why I came up with da idea to temporarylylylylylyly make jail brock a story tim server. Man and woman cum hand to paw in the action of campfire stories.

    So if you don't agree with this


  3. Would you make me a spray that has may's sprite from pokemon emerald but replace the green with purple. Then write muzzle at the bottom in 8-bit text. Also I want African head floating around May. Transparent background pls. Thank you I will love you for the rest of my life if you make this

  4. I am trying to get regirock and regice on this game. so if you know this game and you understand what I'm talking about keep reading. I go to the caves I'm not talking about inside I'm talking about outside. I don't get it the tunnels are not there. I can't even get in the damn passage way help pls



  5. Okay so I just bought this shit and I have no idea how to work this jim. It is pissing me off to no end. I just want to add pokemon ruby to the cheats list. But it's like uuuhhh unknown game it's just confusing. For fucksake someone link a tutorial or tell me what the hell to do




    For fucks sake help me before I rip my dick off