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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. Well, today I was thinking about how to get fancy fonts for your steam name. Then I thought, chat fonts for JB would be a pretty cool add on. What do you guys think?

    We have this on JB under shop. Plugin added awhile ago. If you noticed the credits and shizz

  2. You might of already

    Got this message but oh well Yeah so if you already didn't put the soldier in there then shit. But if you didn't I wanted to change mine to a scout with the m



    Dillingers Duffeler

    So yeah if it's not in there is rather have this but it's okay thanks

  3. Oh great and mighty Muzzle, seer of the future and weaver of time, I approach you humbly with a simple question...









    y cant metroid crawl?


    acdn.wikimg.net_metroidwiki_images_3_3e_A_higs_remember_me.gif.675c73f6b7e2e09db7821f6fa0b52335.gif learn da game nub!

    you gotta press a b a b a b left right right left left x y left right right b a b y up down down left left right right bumper a b a b a b left right right left left x y left right right b a b y up down down left left right right bumper press a b a b a b left right right left left x y left right right b a b y up down down left left right right bumper a b a b a b left right right left left x y left right right b a b y up down down left left right right bumper 360

  4. Muzzle how do eat food without sp00ns

    Muzzle's Guide to Non-Spoons

    • Kill your best friend
    • Subscribe to pornhub
    • Play Portal 2
    • Receive Cereal
    • Say Biggy Smalls three times in the Bathroom
    • Get shot

  5. Oh Meezel, how do I grow the essence of a black men but also contain shweg while on the way to Berlin; riding a nuclear bomb down into the city square with Hitler who's riding a magic carpet?

    Muzzle's Guide to traveling to Berlin

    • Time Travel back to the 1930-40s
    • Get a Slave
    • Go back to present day
    • Make three Sacrifices to Lucifer
    • Say new lingo like the cool kids
    • Find a Hitler impersonator
    • Drug him
    • Shoot Aladdin
    • Steal the Carpet
    • Shit Rainbows

  6. Should I go with the ribbed or ultra ribbed condom?

    Muzzle's Guide to Condoms

    • Don't get a bitchy Girlfriend/Boyfriend
    • Supreme Ribbed Condoms always work best
    • Get Trojan Fire and Ice
    • Get any medication that will make her/his lower body feel numb
    • If any of these don't work dick slap them

  7. I keep getting guys trying to date me but I always refuse because I don't like them that way. How can I make them stop?

    Muzzle'a Guide to get boys away!

    • Call Muzzle's Hitman Hotline
    • Kill them
    • Hide the bodies
    • Ignore them
    • Tell them you have gential herpes
    • Get pubic lice
    • Tell them your on there period
    • Say "oh you silly boys I'm just a girl gamer."
    • Grow a dick