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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. Okay bare with me guys. I played for like an hour so I'm not so sure about things. Anyway I would suggest just little plugins that change the game up a bit.



    - Mod disqiue ( I don't know how the hell to spell it give me a break)

    -citizens plugin. My god that thing is cool but really small adjustment

    - I guess better dungeons but I would think that would reset the map so no

    - Murder - Bukkit

    -http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/hatbernatixer/ (who doesn't love hats)

    - GriefLog - Bukkit

    So yeah

  2. Cuz people want diamond, like give them like 3 diamond to make a tool of their choice so they have something good to make them want to stay on the server

    If they are smart enough to vote then yes it's still an easy way to get diamonds

  3. Update on this I don't know honestly how long this will take. But I'm no longer aloud to use the computer at the moment. So I'm just going to stick it out so I don't know. If nothing changes I will get a computer at my mothers on my birthday in June. So I don't really know what to say. But I guess I'll see you later. I'll still be on the forums so yep

  4. Well I'm am most likely not going to be on the servers often only due to family issues. I may or may not get on during this week. But anyway I will still be active on the forums and that shiz. I swear I will be more active in the summer when I get a desktop and my mothers house. So thanks