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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Muzzle


    How did you find this video of Forge
  2. I just found out we had a rotation server in the year it have been here
  3. Muzzle's Guide to getting people to notice you. Boobs More boobs Tight pants Be African Shoot them
  4. Muzzle's Guide to putting dicks in your mouth. Plastic Surgery Smaller dicks Alcohol Wrenches work Expand your jaw Find a boyfriend who doesn't have four dicks
  5. Young Canadian Matt it's simple follow these steps Muzzle's Steps to get Females Buy them shit Don't give the girl Viagra Don't ask about queeffing Be a dick Don't talk. Listen. Wear a mask Rule the world
  6. Hello Lads and Lassies I am the the not so wise muzzle. Ask me any question and I will reveal the best possible option. I will give you a step by step process. So please ask questions i need something to do :) @Insane @matthewbt @HachikoTachibana @Goblin @Barmithian @Forest @DrLee @FoRgE @apuppy @Fiery8022
  7. Muzzle

    Pick Up Lines

    hey gurl there is an African behind you. *turns around* *turns back* Clothes are off. Ladies and Gentleman that will get you laid
  8. You know i never made one and I'm bored so I look at this Hello. | Xeno Gamers then I was like why not. Listen Closely Children as I tell you my tale. My name is Joseph but you can refer me as Muzzle/Meezel. I am 15 years of age 16 on June 18. Nobody gives a fuck about my needs so I'm just going to tell the story of how I came to xG It was the summer of 2013 I had just graduated from the 8th grade. So to celebrate my friends spent the night and we ended up sneaking out and getting caught by the police at 2:00 am. Anyway that is off subject, I received a lenvono laptop. It sucked but it's the first time I could actually play tf2 without playing at my friends house. So I played a lot. I kept noticing this xG tag. So I was bored and I saw xG jailbreak 1 (it might of been 2 idk) So I got addicted to Jailbreak it was so fun I couldn't get enough of it. That's mostly why I became extremely anti-social during the summer. So I told my irl friend John (ShadowShark) that I played with tf2 with a lot. So I told him John there is this really fun server on tf2 and he checked it out it was awesome. Later on I meet plenty of friends I still talk to today such as Alphaflla Ninja, matthewbt, Bad Batter and Angry moose jr or vault. These guys were awesome I mean vault disappeared later on. These guys were my best friends online. Anyways time pasted and I met Priggles, Factor, and Matt the Canadian Dream. These guys were awesome especially factor we had some good times. Any who I applied for xG. I got 5 vouches and I guess kind of disappeared from the fourms. But time passed and I talked to kbraszzle and I told him I'm a member right. He checked and said "Oh shit you are". So I got active like 2 months ago I think. So yeah I just like to take part in this community.
  9. We have to add Safforn City for the love of jim. I mean goldenrod is fun in all but I need more. If there is a Lilycove City or a Rubosto City map we need that shit like crack
  10. That's not something to be proud of no offense
  11. Already has member app open Thunder - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers Pls close @kbraszzz
  12. Okay so I know you guys will be like da faq you going to say about pokemon trade this time. Well I love the server but in order to make the server feel pokemonish I searched a couple of skins, sound packs, and maps that could spice up dat server Just take a look GAMEBANANA: The Pokemon Lover's Pack (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Sandman) GAMEBANANA: Pokemon Hat Pack V2 (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Cosmetics) GAMEBANANA: Official Pokemon League Hat (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Cosmetics) GAMEBANANA: TF2 Pokemon Lemonade (Team Fortress 2 > Skins > Bonk Energy Drink) GAMEBANANA: Pokémon Soundpack (Team Fortress 2 > Sounds > Packs) GAMEBANANA: Pokémon Soundpack : Download (Team Fortress 2 > Sounds > Packs) pkmn saffroncity b3 (TF2) - GameMaps.com Team Fortress 2 Map - Koth Pokemon Stadium Screenshots So yeah vote
  13. I believe we should add more pokemon maps to the pokemon trade server. I mean not just handle held ones like the pokemon DX on GameCube for fucks sake
  14. Also to back up my point. If we are having the goal of getting servers populated and people leave because of pokemon fuck them. If they only wanted to stay on the server to play jailbreak they deal with it. Knife pit is the same exact thing but nope slap the name pokemon on it and make trainers it's original and so much fun fuck them again. Seriously it's basically the same thing but it's easier to control. I love pokemon but that this horse shit on the tf2 servers. YOU WANT SOME DAMN POKEMON GO TO OUR LAGGY TRADE SERVER #downwiththeestablishment
  15. How about just abolish pokemon all together. They want a Melee fight play DeGroot
  16. Also your applying for member not mod
  17. Never seen you like ever. Fix your steam id
  18. But in all seriousness you need money or a good working knowledge of TF2 Trading
  19. Muzzle's Guide to make profit Step 1: Threaten your parents Step 2: Take your father/mothers credit card Step 3: Scam people on TF2 Step 4: Mug someone Step 5: Be African Step 6: Yell at kids on call of duty or any MMO game. Step 7: Rob a bank Step 8: Burn your house down and blame it on the neighbors Step 9: Prostitution Step 10: Sell drugs Step 11: Open a Laser Tag Business Step 12: Kill your loved ones Step 13: Print a fake doctors degree Step 14: Drop out of school Step 15: Log in to Xeno Gamers Step 16: Pat yourself on the back you psychopath. PROFIT
  20. @kbraszzz @Barmithian @Insane @John_Madden @Maymalays @Bell @ShockeDeel
  21. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: <APK> TheReaper51 Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:64479520 Rules Broken: Attempting to mass freekill Evidence: So I was on jailbreak two and I get on blu. So this is how it starts he repeatly got killed by @matthewbt and I suppose as I said the order crouch to the yellow line. He engulfed everyone in the giant cell on hop into flames. So I was like I feel like you did that for revenge. Being the Autistic Communist I hit the self destruct button. Luckily I hit it as soon as the spectate camera changed. I believe if you can check the logs for the flames and stuff. So this is all I got, Matt was there so I think I just suggest a CT ban for a week or whatever you feel is better. I apologize for the lack of evidence but here ya go
  22. This is bulshit there is way too much evdince to prove that you didn't do shit. Just admit it. Lying makes it worse