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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. The freaking cartidges are like 200 Hundred dolla. I mean if I had that kid of money I would be constantly playing my n64. Why do old things have to be so damn expensive
  2. I found this super Mario bros 3 in my sisters room. I was like holy shit I got my gameboy and popped that mother in. It loaded and gave me an unpleasant screen "you saved data is corrupted". So I was like okay no problem new game. But the problem is you can never leave that screen. It's a nightmare in a oldschool handheld device. I tried looking on Google but everyone had roms and no actual gba. I can't use my computer I have the game I want to play halp pls ;~;
  3. +1 Cool active 2gud4me A:9/10 M:10/10
  4. Muzzle

    My Drawings :3

    That's that's that's that's that's... Forge is there anything you can't do
  5. I just read the guidelines to potato day. I'm just going to say this "WOW"
  6. Potato day kind of sounds like trapping but I may be wrong
  7. I honestly hate Pokemon on JB. It just pisses me off. It's fine every once in a while but damn it's ridiculous. Is there some way to enforce the damn rules right in there face so they see this
  8. This one is cool too Gods - Bukkit
  9. Okay bare with me guys. I played for like an hour so I'm not so sure about things. Anyway I would suggest just little plugins that change the game up a bit. -Jobs -Quests - Mod disqiue ( I don't know how the hell to spell it give me a break) -citizens plugin. My god that thing is cool but really small adjustment - I guess better dungeons but I would think that would reset the map so no - Murder - Bukkit -http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/hatbernatixer/ (who doesn't love hats) - GriefLog - Bukkit So yeah
  10. Muzzle

    More Players

    If they are smart enough to vote then yes it's still an easy way to get diamonds
  11. Update on this I don't know honestly how long this will take. But I'm no longer aloud to use the computer at the moment. So I'm just going to stick it out so I don't know. If nothing changes I will get a computer at my mothers on my birthday in June. So I don't really know what to say. But I guess I'll see you later. I'll still be on the forums so yep
  12. Muzzle

    More Players

    I'll come I mean I haven't played mc in a long ass time. But I need my name changed to muzzle because my name sounds like a furry
  13. Muzzle

    Iceslice - Mmo

    +1 I see what you mean
  14. It's all in the wrists
  15. I'm not a great artist. Hell I'm not even an artist. But it took me awhile and he's fat so I wanted to share
  16. +1:afro: active, mature, overall cool guy. Also he's African M:9/10 A:10/10
  17. Barm, blonde man of yellow background with way to much eyeliner. What is your profile picture
    1. Barmithian


      It's a freakin mask dude. Btw look up spaceman spiff or look up Calvin and Hobbes
    2. Fink


  18. Well I'm am most likely not going to be on the servers often only due to family issues. I may or may not get on during this week. But anyway I will still be active on the forums and that shiz. I swear I will be more active in the summer when I get a desktop and my mothers house. So thanks
  19. I don't believe killing one or two people would get you ct banned. Someone obviously checked the logs or experience it happen. I would think it would be a bit impossible to get ct banned for no reason.
  20. Nope just wait until you get more vouches also try reading dem rules it really helps out when people have a good understanding of the rules. If you have questions pm me or a staff member.
  21. Titianfall is to much for small computer like mine