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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Proof in screenshots not text. It helps so we don't think you are lying <3
  2. I'm down is this aloud because I want it!
  3. Okay so I just bought this shit and I have no idea how to work this jim. It is pissing me off to no end. I just want to add pokemon ruby to the cheats list. But it's like uuuhhh unknown game it's just confusing. For fucksake someone link a tutorial or tell me what the hell to do For fucks sake help me before I rip my dick off
  4. +1 Active, cooperative, and knows dem rules A:7/10 M:7/10
  5. Muzzle

    Fink's Jb Tips

    Muzzle's MLGPRO JB tips and tricks 2spooky Tell the warden he is fat. Wardens love compliments Rebel each round, your not killing anyone just keep going at it as soon as those doors open As soon as Blu's say reds off mic you scream at the top of your lungs. When you achieve your goal of becoming guard mow down every red thing you see. Make loop holes in the rules Abuse the vote kick system We encourage voice changers or mics without a headset. Hell plug your kinect in, those mics are fantastic. Sing as much as you want you don't have to be good. Whistle 24/7 Deep throat your microphone Be the age of 4-6 Wear a Gibus Advertising is for winners In hopjb hide in free fall winning box Ask for mod or admin position Scam everyone Piss on the mic everyone wants to know your bladder progression. Ghost all day everyday And that lads is all you need to know for jailbreak - Muzzle
  6. +1 Overall fun to play with, Matured, and is very active M:8/10 A:9/10
  7. still waiting for approval of banjo kazooie map.
  8. Server: Jailbreak Suggestion/Bug: Suggestion Can we please for the love of god remove the bro fist high five taunt. It's annoying and it's hard to hear over it. I dislike it and it's a bit pointless. I'm okay with alittle sound bites but it's just so unavoidable
  9. @Insane @kbraszzz @FoRgE @Barmithian @BelloWaldi @Bell @Haxx @SirTurdle @Vector @DrLee @Rhododendron @John_Madden @shadowshark @matthewbt
  10. I thought it was interesting topic when me, forge, and kbrazz were talking and It was just random I thought it was interesting. So I think we should have this thread explaining how you got your name. Mine goes like this: it was 6th grade everyone was assigned a disease to make a project on it. I got measles. I suppose the word just kind of stuck with me and when I went to change my steam name I just typed measle in a goofy way. So that's my story and I would like to know what you guys stories are
  11. I recently just saw him on trade gaming history. I defiently have seen a lot of skill. But it's alittle bit to soon to say 0 for the moment
  12. Such a fetus +1 A:9/10 M:9/10
  13. You have to disobey all of the wardens orders and tell him he's trash.
  14. That's 15 vouches wow in the next 24 hours Forge will be in xG @FoRgE
  15. I swear if forge doesn't get in I will club an African seal
  16. Holy shit I will draw something when I get home screw my friends I will draaaaaaw
  17. Can't we have Nom fix it first. I don't think I can handle another round as Saxton. I suppose this could work with jailbreak. I don't know are server for Saxton hale doesn't work by itself what makes you think we could merge these
  18. Stereotypical food and objects
  19. I got the emulator it's just I don't really enjoy it as much as a game boy but of fucking well