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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Would you rather have legojail constantly or sand?
  2. what is so bad about legojail m8 XP
  3. Muzzle

    Rip In Peace #sng

    Does that mean we get Colorparty and Oh Stop It You back
  4. Muzzle

    Pick Up Lines

    "Your boyfriend told me we had to make love and record it. Or he will never walk again" - Muzzle 1967
  5. Oh hell yes. Dude hulk hogan as heavy or spy with the causal vest and no mask. Holy balls. Best idea twenty twelve
  6. There is a server list under servers. Have tf2 running and do direct connect or something like that
  7. I have already told him he's not signing for mod. He was a bit confused. I've seen him a lot more maybe once or twice. He improved but I don't think I should change my vote
  8. Anyone who says Shrek should be in this poster say I
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_jWHffIx5E Hands down. Your choices are invalid. There is only one true song and it is this
  10. It's not the kids fault, it was a joke more then him trolling. He's a defenseless 8 year old he should be unbanned
  11. Can you also start a war with America and Your sexy Scottish self. Enslave the entire continent of North America. kthxbai
  12. Okay someone close this troll thread now.
  13. Last time I checked the price mate it was 1.20 keys.
  14. Rejects I apologize but I realized the sniper has a big ass forehead. Can you just stick with soldier with purple energy affect :3 thanks P.S could you have him with a direct hit in one hand and the half-zacthoi in the other
  15. I seriously need to sell this thing. It's worth 1.20 key at the moment. But when valve puts the new hats up the price goes down. Please do me a favor a buy this
  16. I hate it when no one will trade me in a trade server. I am selling A Deep Cover Op for 1.20 key. Before tf2 puts it on the Mann co store prices go down. Also there is still not enough Shrek.
  17. I'll be on in a few and I'll find out. But keep playing and get noticed. then you will get vouches. Remember first impressions mean everything
  18. 0 I haven't really seen you on that much. Also getting a member doesn't give you the power to ban or kick others. You have to wait until mod for that. Is there a specific server you play on?
  19. Bearded Bombardier Stylish DeGroot Hurt Locker
  20. Rejects I noticed a lot of snipers. I would like to be a sniper but if you feel the need to change it Name: Muzzle Class: Soldier Hat: Soldiers Slope Scopes(Goggles up) Misc1: Kringle Collection Misc2:Marshal Mutton Chops