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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Nom said something about it but it should be fixed soon or if it isn't. I don't know I don't play that much JB
  2. Are you fucking serious. I'm just going to sit here and laugh
  3. Have you heard him on mic? I mean if he has a squeaky voice then it's just late development. Hey I'm 15 and my balls are fully dropped yet
  4. You sound like my sister. If Insane replies with something about my sister. All he needs to know is to get out of here and do my math homework (not racist 2012)
  5. Muzzle


    Since Illinois is like a teenage girl on her period with all the random weather changes. I won't be starting finals til June unless there's a fucking drought or blizzard on the way
  6. Muzzle

    Xg Comments

    Down with the establishment Down with the establishment Down with the establishment Down with the establishment Down with the establishment Down with the establishment Down with the establishment Down with the establishment +1+1+1+1+1
  7. Muzzle

    Xg Comments

    Down with Google plus
  8. For fucks sake 4 more people then young Canadian Matthew with be in the place were dreams come to die
  9. pls show support to stop African bugs from takin ovar r server
  10. Lassies and Laddies it is cum to evary1s attention dat jail brock vone and two are broke. This is why I came up with da idea to temporarylylylylylyly make jail brock a story tim server. Man and woman cum hand to paw in the action of campfire stories. So if you don't agree with this
  11. Muzzle

    Nigga Wtf

    Aggressive zone population: Pizza
  12. Muzzle

    Nigga Wtf

    Its like Compton up in here with all these shots fired
  13. Muzzle

    Nigga Wtf

    *shots fired*
  14. Muzzle

    New Name?

    Middle aged electrician
  15. +1 Played with him yesterday and I have seen him multiple times. He's pretty active, fun to play with, and he really pissed me off yesterday when he was scout. M:9/10 A:8/10
  16. Would you make me a spray that has may's sprite from pokemon emerald but replace the green with purple. Then write muzzle at the bottom in 8-bit text. Also I want African head floating around May. Transparent background pls. Thank you I will love you for the rest of my life if you make this
  17. +1 Umm I guess go for it. You know you can just leave xG.
  18. -1 Scrub, scumbag, awful, rude, ignorant, and not to mention immature M:1/10 A:3/10
  20. I am trying to get regirock and regice on this game. so if you know this game and you understand what I'm talking about keep reading. I go to the caves I'm not talking about inside I'm talking about outside. I don't get it the tunnels are not there. I can't even get in the damn passage way help pls