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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. @kbraszzz @kbraszzz @kbraszzz add kson to hub that's literally the best option
  2. you're a great regular but our age minimum is 16. come back on your birthday you're cool you should get in. sorry! -closed
  3. see you in a week! exploiting is lame. -closed
  4. +1 was a solid staff member. Super mature. Not loud enough but I'll look past it. A 8 M 9
  5. Sorry, unfortunately you must be at least 16 to apply. Feel free to use the [xG:Rep] tag until you're old enough to re apply. You're close though I believe in you. -closed
  6. What servers do you play on?
  7. Turn... down... your... ellipses... game... bruh...
  8. Damn @Matsi why the sass level. Some games got an exploit found out, some of the games members play. Why the fuck can't they make a thread and be on the lookout. Not really seeing a cause effect relationship for the salt, this whole thread just reads as people letting eachother know about an exploit, and then you coming in out of nowhere screaming about how big your E-dick is for never being hacked. And how everyone else is retarded for discussing an exploit that wouldn't have affected them if they were as diligent as matsi. Seriously dude, calm down, it's irrelevant. Nobody cares.
  9. -1 don't like the cut of his jib A 7 M 8
  10. Or just let staff have killstreaks @kbraszzz
  11. @kbraszzz enough with the tyranny give us killstreaks
  12. All players removed from the roster except myself. will be added if/when you make the team. we can roster 21 and I plan too.
  13. https://xenogamers.com/threads/35587/
  14. oh yeah it is. but we're making changes. Every class get's tried out for, we're actually training. so whatever class you want to play, comment. tryouts will be in a week. we gon' round robin MGE to decide the spots, everyone in a class plays everyone else, most points total wins tiebreaker to 5 if necessary. if you guys don't want to play this season that's understandable, I'll probably just join a different team. but if you do play, we're gonna focus. let's take over steel div again.
  15. Moosty

    -1 @chickenpanda

    -1 talks shit about DayZ without knowing what he's talking about and doesn't follow up on his advances. He knows I want it he's just teasing me at this point.
  16. I traded up f2p to where I am now just on TGH (it was Nintendo sixty fortress then, name still better than TGH) don't really know why people stopped trading it just kind of happened. Pretty sure it had something to do with the key prices going insane. I like the idea but not sure if we could even get it going.
  17. Guys this is a shitpost thread now also +1
  18. @Bach we can talk about promo/demo now. You're promoted congrats bby. RIP @Liekos it hurt my heart but be active @Egossi don't fuck up
  19. Closed at OP's request Sad I thought we had something special
  20. I'm Drunk and/or High and I approve this -1