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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. Seriously though kypari and tekage, you guys seem like you could really benefit from just a break from the forums for a day to calm it down
  2. For being over the top edgy teens that don't know when to calm down + all the BM
  3. It's raining +1's, hallelujah!
  4. Seriously kiddos, what the fuck. Worst behavior I've seen in a thread in a long ass time. If you treat eachother like this why the hell should the clan take your requests seriously, or want to interact with you at all. This was honestly shameful to read through. Get you're act together. All of you.
  5. We've had trouble with Vixen before, but the evidence just isn't there this time.
  6. ... I know why the ban was changed... From the tf2 higher up conversation, about a week or two ago. No personal attacks or shitstorm. This thread will be closed for now to avoid a derail and so [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] can reply. -closed for now
  7. You seem like a nice guy so I feel bad, but our age minimum is 16. You can re apply once you're 16 and can wear the [xG:rep] tag and continue playing on the servers until then. I look forward to the next member submission. -closed
  8. If you didn't play tf2 with Vector you have no context for judging how he was on the servers. If you didn't play CS:S with him the same is true. If you whine it doesn't help and makes you look like an idiot. Everyone stop whining and take the bitching to a convo. Any post not relevant to Vector's ban protest from here on out is deleted no matter who posted it. CLs aren't the only ones with forum powers, so them not playing tf2 is irrelevant. (You guys totally should though). Inb4 biased abuse of power.
  9. Gonna leave this thread open to hear from @BananaShoes (swoosh), but don't worry adapt, abusing calladmin is just a day ban, sorry the situation got confusing, calladmin was only added recently and we're still working out the kinks in enforcing it. But even if the ban isn't lifted you'll be able to play on the servers again tomorrow. Any other questions you have you can add a staff member or just ask for clarification here.
  10. I wanna Mungo your Jerry
  11. Moosty

    Get Better Swoosh!

    I could only go left and couldn't switch teams or get rid of the tab list, we had an assault mid round, and you guys waited an hour to start the match. What even was our highlander team today. Get well soon Buddy, hopefully this will cheer you up a bit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eysDyu0gIhs
  12. Going to post what I said in the tf2 higher up convo here. It's relevant and this way the CLs can see it. I've seen improvement. He's not as bad as he was before on the forums. Vector isn't a nice guy, but the tone is different now. He's a bit combative but no personal attacks, and no starting shit on purpose (that ban protest was going downhill regardless, he could've changed to an amish guy that gave all his tf2 shit out for free and that thread would have gone the same way. All of us know that). He isn't a kissass or one for apologies, but he's honest and direct. He got the complaints about the personal attacks and being rude to individuals, but I'm not seeing it on forums. He has been passionate about disagreeing with rules and our decisions, but all of that is fair game for all members to comment on. I know alot of people stopped coming because of him, but nothing he has done on our servers is recent. If the discussion is about whether or not he has changed, then nothing he did on our servers is relevant to that discussion. When I first joined I was friends with Vector, then he took a turn for the worse and playing on the same server wasn't an enjoyable experience anymore. The Vector I'm seeing on the forums reminds me of the old Vector. He'll never be a suck up like other people. He won't beg. Forbidding him from mona pizza is pointless because he isn't the type to do that anyway. But what I'm seeing from him is improvement. He was banned because he stopped attacking rule breakers in a direct and effective way and turned into a shit starter that wasn't fun to be around. The way he talks and interacts isn't always the most amiable, and he's argumentative, but I'm seeing the arguments shift back to a productive tone. I understand if you haven't seen it, or disagree, I'm just asking for you to look deeper and give him a chance, because I have seen improvement.
  13. Match will be on our server. @kbraszzz have the map and configs ready. If someone reads this before him bother him in ts. Match in an hour. someone, preferably kb or starmix, add their leader and confirm ringers. (unless @ChickenPanda will even though he isn't on the team). I could play on my broken laptop if you really need me but I'd be randomly tabbing out and losing use of certain buttons randomly. I probably wouldn't be effective. I'm on call if you need me though.
  14. I honestly have mixed thoughts on this. Let's get it out there, I don't like Vector. I honestly don't. I did at first, and I'm not denying that you helped me alot while I've been in xG, but you've been cocky, confrontational, and crossed the line with what you say to people on the servers, and you've done it alot. You we're staff before, and as long as I have a vote in the matter I'll vote against you regaining powers, unless there is a very, Let me emphasize very, drastic change in how you act on the servers. As far as playing on the servers, I do feel that even if you didn't agree with the ban, you've had plenty of time to think about it, and aren't going to login and instantly act like an ass. People are going to disagree, but I'll +1 for an unban. You're stubborn, but you're an adult. You know you need to change how you act even if you disagree with it. My only concern is that I won't be there to see how you act until my PC is done, and staff that still hold a grudge might overly nitpick or even abuse. You getting unbanned won't be popular but you're right about people threatening to leave if you're unbanned being stupid. People had problems with you as staff, but you won't be staff. So to everyone in the tf2 div, if he's unbanned give him a chance to prove himself, he's been gone for a while, and deserves this ONE chance. If he's an adult about this we won't have any trouble. I've rambled on long enough, waiting to hear from the other DMs and DLs.
  15. Here's the build I have ordered. What do you guys think? @metalslug53 @ChickenPanda @Whyte @StarmiX @whoever knows about PC's
  16. @Hachi @BananaShoes @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz @Bach @Whyte @ChickenPanda Who needs a working pc when you have a puppy.
  17. Just look at this disappointment he thinks he can walk himself
  18. I know my Laptop is broken so I haven't been been able to play but I've already got a new PC on the way and I fully intend to populate prophunt.
  19. Oh SNAAAAP -actually closed
  20. Xena is my warrior princess confirmed. I'm here all week guys
  21. I mean we could close this and make him wait till the 19th. Or we could just let it happen. Fine with either, gonna +1 regardless. +1 been active forever. Is N.W.BAE A 7 M 10
  22. Must be 16 years old to apply for membership. -closed
  23. Comcast comes tomorrow and I'm mostly moved in I can play either time.
  24. I mean telling someone to kill themselves is obviously semantically different than a death threat. Posting the dictionary definition is irrelevant to our rules. I think they should be handled the same way. Zero tolerance policy we don't need any of it in our servers whatsoever. I'm up for moving from a perm to a shorter ban but I think they should be treated the same way. You bring up a good about the warn/slay/kick/ban system though. We don't really have a vetting process to determine if potential staff know the order of the actions they are supposed to take or what offenses they can forego that process for. That's obviously on us, the higher ups, for not being diligent enough, Because a whole lot of staff aren't following the system we have in place. We should test the people we promote in a private teamspeak room, just a few questions, instead of just throwing powers their way every other Monday. Who cares if they know they're going to be promoted beforehand. Lot's of issues with staff and how they deal with things, this rule in it's current form isn't an issue, staffs understanding of the rule is. Tl;dr I've been chainsmoking Newports this probably came off as me being a dick