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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. I come back on forums and there's this shit going on out of nowhere. What the hell happened to this thread my sincerest apologies Armin. Alright then, Lol you made the account today, and have only commented on this post. Don't act like you made it for any other reason. I honestly thought you were a member making a different forum account to troll but no shared IP, and nobody knows you, so that means you're literally just a punk internet tough guy bitch coming here for no other reason than to start shit. And if you are a member and you hid your IP then way to be a scared punk internet tough guy bitch. Don't pick on the high school age transgender kid, find a challenge. You're going for easy targets you think you can screw with and have no retaliation, there's no fun in that and it makes you look like a pussy. I've known Armin a long time, could honestly care less about her gender, or anyone's gender. It's pretty damn low on the list of how I judge a person and honestly nobodies business but their own. it's not that hard to add an s to he when referring to someone she isn't asking for the goddamn moon here. I'm not saying this to stick up for the oppressed trans kid, or to stick up for a friend, or because I'm triggered, but honestly because I want too. Get off the forums, you actual trash. You should never have felt the need to comment in the first place. you've never met her and this post was for friends. I'm not going to ban you just yet, I want you to read this first, but it's pretty safe to say you aren't welcome here regardless. Inb4 no right to ban, honestly don't care, I'll get in trouble on the internet oof the fear. And someone said xG is becoming tumblr not sure if it was you supreme or phantom but good. I'd rather accept otherkin as a valid identity and have tumblr feminists rule the world than have this be a place you want to be and feel welcome in. You're a piece of shit. Go.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6_ZNW1DACE It's, been much too long. Reapply in a montherino -closed
  3. Why can't you just be more like smiley. Guys had paid mod for years and still comes on once or twice a week nobody knows he exists. Low key with powers and zero issues. Also we have enough staff without paid mods. Also it doesn't matter how much you payed if you abuse. It's your own money you're wasting. And you made the choice. Ignorance of the rules has never been a defense.
  4. Please tell me that's fat Josh Peck xD
  5. @Hachi isn't the only grill anymore. And do we still call you armin? That would be alot harder to adjust too. Good on you for being yourself though
  6. When I'm not in actual Mexico I'll come on and shoot everyone as a Mexican #Bandidos4lyfe
  7. They are, or at least most of them are. It's a random drop system though, and wearables are really rare drops (I have 2,600+ hours in the game I've only ever found 5 through drops) if you really don't want to spend money then the best way would be to just go through the crafting system with the weapons you get dropped and be lucky. Tldr it's almost impossible but yes, you can in theory eventually get all the mann co items without buying them. Trying is pretty much impossible and a waste of time though.
  9. @Rejects said he was going to close as soon as this was done, since the Europeans are asleep I'll do it. Once we have the link there isn't much need for this to be open
  10. Since nobody's done it yet [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] (sorry for the pointless notification diabeetus) [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP]
  11. We've had instances lately of higher ups in divisions leaving the CLs out of things. And while part of that is on the DMs and DLs for not including them, I do feel like people don't think to include CLs because they don't see the CLs as an effective authority when they don't play on the servers. I don't see this trend changing anytime soon unless the CLs atleast make an effort to be more active, and staff of divisions work to keep them well informed. They can't do their jobs at all with no information, we need to work on that. The clan runs alot better when everyone is on the same page, and that simply just isn't happening right now, and that's on everyone
  12. Free up funds for something like, a #FistfulofFragsdiv maybe? I do see matsi's point, and it would probably make the clan better if CL's played on the servers, but it's important to note that they don't claim to speak for divisions they don't play in, and unless there is disagreement among dms and dls they leave decisions that affect a division to the higher ups of the division. It's not a perfect system we have, and it's clunky, but it isn't broken (not yet at least). We do have a lot of dead divisions though, and it seems like some people from those divisions have forum powers for no reason, and that isn't really what we need. We should give them CL or demote them, we don't need unnecessary DLs and DMs. I'd say that's a bigger issue than CLs not playing on servers. And those dead servers could be converted into new games, so xG can grow. because right now xG is stagnant to dying, because higher ups seem scared of trying new things and growing the clan. Fear of failure is valid, but it's better to try and fail then to not try so we can die slowly. Because tf2 being popular is going to end some day, and when it does xG isn't going to survive without populating other games. Just my two cents
  13. I don't have sourcebans access because Mexican internet but yeah +1 whoever can do it, perm him. Just here to scam items, admitted it, open and shut.
  14. Day 1: 8 hours of drinking. 6 tequila shots 2 vodka shots 3 rum and cokes 3 dos equis (shits free and on tap yo) 2 pina coladas 1 lime margarita 1 bourbon on the rocks 0 vomiting sessions Guys Mexico is great. Like seriously great.
  15. #FistfulofFragsDiv
  16. It isn't the same as h1. H1z1 servers are ran in a completely different way than source servers. Hell, we wouldn't have even been able to name an h1 server xenoGamers or customize it at all, plus server costs for h1 are drastically higher than what we pay for source servers. I've been playing this game for a while, I really like it. I think an xG server or two would do well, I'd even step down from tf2 to get it running and populated. I've been having a ton of fun with FoF and tf2 has lost a bit of luster. It's not difficult for us and we should do it.
  17. I've been playing since release, so has swoosh, you could tell by this thread how many people tried it and liked it, this game is FUN and we're going to play it regardless of if there is an xG server or not. I understand thinking we'll just forget about it and move on but this isn't like those past games, and plus if I'm understanding the situation correctly implementing the server or two wouldn't be a problem at all. Everyone seems content with the dead divisions, and empty servers in our popular divisions. Why not actually try to spruce this place up and try something new.
  18. +1 been active on everything and fun to play with. A9 M7
  19. @Ohstopyou said that switching an inactive tf2 server to dedicated fistful of frags would be easy, or xerses could host. It wouldn't be that hard of a process. Also this old trailer from when it was still a mod is great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txJmt7_yqh8
  20. +1 it's dan he's been here forever A8 M8
  21. We would do fine during peak hours starting up. Once a server has a handful of players it fills up on its own we just get a few xG people on and the randoms start coming. During the initial startup period the overnight population would probably be fairly bad once xG people go to bed though, but after a while people have the server favorited and we'd start getting a handful on then as well. It would take about a month or two of effort to get a server consistently populated with its own community, but I love this game, others in the clan love it, the commitment would be there to get it started and keep it going.