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Status Updates posted by Moosty

  1. Stay safe Texas. I should care about all the other news stories that hit today but Disasters give you a new perspective. Hope you're all ok.
    1. ZevoAnonReal


      i live central but hey what can i say lol, I am not to worried about Hurricane Harvey, but I am concerned about the people that don't want to evac. :(
  2. Subscribe to my YouTube for shitty Highlights and bad jokes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKBBzp4eUZxra6aNej5NVqw
    1. Egossi
    2. Moosty


      but I'm just a young rapper wanting somebody to give me a chance
    3. Egossi


      omg Moosty B, I'm your biggest fan!
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. Tap your toes and clap your hands. Come on, trace the globe and shake your pants.
  4. TFW 2013 comes back to meme you, and as you are no longer poor and Irish, You now have the power to stop it. AJoN=Rekt. call me Sherlock.
  5. Tfw I try to message a tf2 Dm/DL last night and only @[51806:@Bello] and @[51591:@Rejects] still had me added. Resolved but damn. #RealFriends #BlackEyeliner
  6. Tfw you forget to check the chat box the one time it's actually important.
  7. The status below me is being a rude dude tbh
  8. The term ends tuesday my dudes. Just 9 more pages of research paper and a math final. The summer of broken leg awaits.
  9. The true gaming history princess. chosen by the people.
    1. Kittylicious


      I was the first one to mention about princess on gaming history. I'm a young girl and I love disney, can't you just let me have fun?
    2. Moosty


      No fun allowed
    3. Swift


      well im a young girl and i love disney, so can i be the princess to???
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. Too much schoolwork to do. Won't be on at all today. Forgive me Trade Gaming History for i have procrastinated.
    1. Goblin


      ish okey yo.
  11. Trade Gaming History needs to grow the fuck up today god damn
  12. Tried PUBG out finally. Two games, two top tens. Had I known it was Arma derivitive ya boy would have been all over it sooner.
    1. Egossi


      i need that shit boi
  13. Trump looks like an orangutan, and was probably born in Sumatra. I need his birth certificate to accept him. Long Form AF.
  14. Tu, tu, tu, tout le monde! Voici la musique d'ordinateu. Tire ou meurs.
  15. Turning 22 is literally Intoxicating
    1. ColdEndeavour


      I think you're a year late on that one. Also, your voice + speech mannerisms are stuck in my head. Also, hi.
  16. Vous etes des animaux
  17. Wake up squire, address your attire. We have no time, to wallow in the mire.
  18. Was I forum banned I can't see the shoutbox or post in it? Lel.
  19. Well this Sucks really, really bad.
  20. When you've been playing tf2 for almost 3 years and 2700 hours and you're just now actually learning to play properly.
    1. SnowyMinion


      What is this "properly" you speak of
    2. Bone


      Pretty much anytime I play TF2. As soon as I think I found a good loadout for a class, I discover one even better
    3. Tsuchikure


      >not just playing for fun all the time
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  21. Where are the Snowden's of yesteryear?
  22. Who's Ben and how do we know he's gay?
  23. ya boi has a switch now, with BotW and Xenoverse 2
  24. Ya boy got a 93% on that math test tho.
    1. Moosty


      Taking summer term because I fucked off and partied at my old college and almost screwed myself long term :/
    2. Moosty


      I wish I had an answer that was funny, just genuinely playing catch up and trying to solve mistakes.
    3. realBelloWaldi


      Ohhhhh I feel ya
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