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Everything posted by Fink

  1. Fink

    Best joke na

    adam sandler still has a successful career
  2. Great ideas! Sad to see my rollarcoaster go though. I liked it :( (it is something i made in the plotworld)
  3. I want your sausage big boy
  4. Ill give you mine when i get my 3ds from home as im at prison right now
  5. ching chong chang rice u dishonor famiry
  6. Well sometimes duped items can come from steam support if your account was hijacked.
  7. Fink


    +1 Cory in the house is the best anime (He's matured and he is a funny and kind individual) M: 7/10 A: 8/10 Gayness: a lot
  8. I can't hear you with all the dick in your mouth #burn
    1. FacepalmMute


      at least one person is getting some
  9. I just started playing league, (even tho i have had it for a while) and need some good starter champ suggestions for all the roles (jungle, adc, supp, etc.) I also need some good builds for the champions that you guys suggest. If you want you can add me on League. My username is Lord Fink (ik it sucks) or I can add you. plshalp
  10. @Forest Could community members make a server and possibly associate it with xg?
  11. Fink

    The Cringe Thead!

  12. thanks for telling me these, now i can hire a server dev to add worms that steal steam accounts if i make a server
  13. Fink

    Ayy lmao

    welcome back you fucking disgrace to society
  14. The Newfaggiest Newfag
  15. How about this: We get members to populate more than 1 div. Just because you are in the TF2 Div (or any division), doesn't mean you can't go to others. I know I'm being an hypocrite as I've said get back in your own division before, but this could boost population and bring our community together. The different divisions may have different people with better or worse personalities, but try it out. I occasionally go on CSS and Minecraft and it is quite fun.
  16. "Guys lets build a high end pc just to play TF2 even though it doesn't require anything powerful to run!"
  17. Wtf is that gravity falls gif? and bill jpgar, bill.