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Everything posted by Fink

  1. But Nom, even if they are super rich, they probably will not have an unusual. If they do they are usually a scammer or something.
  2. I got a rule, no f2ps? Not trying to be an ass, but they have nothing to trade and waste server space. Maybe lightly warn them before kicking/banning. Sometimes they just stumble on.
  3. The middleman for bills and below should be a trusted member/mod and up. Admins and higher should deal with spycrabs higher than a bills.
  4. Fink

    congrats on being a nerd
  5. I remember a while back, the xg servers always had full moon enabled so we could always equip halloween stuff. It was pretty sweet and just wanted to see what other members thought. and while you are at it bring ff back plskthxbai @Nomulous I know you weren't the dev at the time when we had this, but can you look into plugins/mods that do this if people want this back?
  6. got reported on league for calling a guy butthurt because he called my team pussies when we killed him. LOL this community is great!
    1. Ohstopyou


      Lol. Fuck that betch.
  7. -1 Isn't the point of last ct to escape or fight back? It also reduces camping.
  8. it is kind of funny when members get mad it kids for playing the game then say, "IM 15" when the game is rated m.
  9. Fink


    Yeah I agree with Mr. Pizza eater @Moosty I see so many member submissions not closed
  10. @Nomulous Can you fix this along with the glitch that lets people switch onto blue without doing !guard
  11. Roblox division 2k14
    1. Dethman


      Club Penguin division with me and fink as leaders 2015
    2. Goblin


      Roblox: Home of the worst player community in existence since 2005.
    3. Fink
    4. Show next comments  60 more
  12. You seem really nice and mature, but you should have some time to get to know people and get member
  13. Yeah, He can't do !guard. +1 for unban or the fixing of this problem
  14. Please pour cold water on your heads. It gives me erotic pleasure
  15. Delete system32. It is a component on your computer that tries to block map files. Valve made it to help map makers, but recently its been having problems.
  16. holy fuck its m'lord. hes back!
    1. Muzzle


      It's an imposter
  17. Fink

    Good animes?

    Bebop is a fuckin masterpiece. If you like it then you should also like Trigun.
  18. lol i totally didnt suggest goofy goober... -1 the guy who suggested this is great
  19. Try taking up a neighborhood job or something.
  20. Please rate on a scale of 1/10 on how sp00ky Five Nights at Freddy's is. I'm thinking about buying it.
  21. Fink

    Good animes?

    Anyways I recommend Evangelion