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Everything posted by Fink

  1. My parents are divorced and my mom doesn't make much.. She has 3 kids to support. I go to my dads half of the week though. Hopefully you can get your family issues resolved :D
  2. bukkits being dmcad yet and 1.8 is a great update if you are playing with friends but most servers arent updated yet.
  3. Fink

    Good animes?

    sord art online is relly good otaku senpai finku kun will giv gr8 review so there is a sord guy name kreeto hoo gits trapped in fuckin world of warcraft or sumthing and meets a grill named assuna and they make out hawt hawt hawt gave me a stiffy rlly good animaymay besides my favrito rememeber when animays wer good like this classic
  4. Fink

    Good animes?

    guys pokemon is gratee animaymay 10/10 im not drunkkldklksald
  5. Okay but can something please be done? Cls please figure something out
  6. Well okay wolf but I would recommend to stay out of this unless you want to join this shitstorm.
  7. lol jesus though apuppy now thats what i call edgy.
  8. Fink

    Friendly Thread

    Because of the major shitstorm that has been happening, I chose to make a thread where no one can be dicks Rules: Don't be a dick Don't insult each other (joking is allowed) Have fun Just talk about anything you want here, as long as it isn't mean spirited
  9. lol +1 Really mature, his mic is great, awesome guy, great warden, never freekills!
  10. Fink

    Fucking Hackers

  11. Fink

    Xg Field Trip

    can we go to disney
  12. Fink

    Fucking Hackers

    I got a csgo phishing link from a bot wanting to swap knives with me. I'm very poor in csgo.
  13. Why weren't Bob Saget's nudes leaked :(
    1. SireScumbo


      Bob just wasn't pretty enough to deserve it.
    2. Moosty


      Proof right here that there is no god. If there was he would have delivered nudes of the entire cast of full house.
    3. SiliconDragon


      dear lord give us bob saget nudes
  14. School is alright
  15. I love the photoshop pics but if someone says to stop making pics of them, please stop.
  16. Holy fuck guys, can't we just get along? I have to agree some choices kitty has made were pretty stupid, but that doesn't give you guys the right to insult kitty over and over. Hell, we all need to stop fighting each other. On a lot of threads, someone posts their opinion and it goes to utter shit. A clan is supposed to respect each other and be friendly. Harassment is a serious thing guys, it needs to stop. Its okay to fight, everyone gets in a fight once in a while, but holding grudges and hating each other won't solve anything. No one in this case is showing maturity. Every time I see one of these threads, a little faith in the maturity of my clan goes away. TL;DR DON'T BE FUCKIN DICKS TO EACH OTHER
  17. @MuffinMonster @Barmithian This is TF2 we are talking about. There aren't many smart players.
  18. +1 Even though i just said to close this fuck it M:8/10 A:9/10 A very mature and active user.
  19. @kbraszzz Please close, he was supposed to reapply on the 9th
  20. And Jesus Christ guys, this is just a poll. Don't be so hostile.