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Everything posted by Fink

  1. Even if it is a cause of ebola or not, its still a terrible idea.
  2. Bye, even though we probably interacted like 5 times on the MC server. Hope you have a good non clan life I guess :/ I'm not good at goodbyes lol.
  3. Fink

    Hobby thread

    I just started learning guitar but I play in my school band. I work out and occasionally play sports n such when i aint gaming. I also listen to music or ride my bike.
  4. Lord Zimzam, please kill the negros.
  5. Hello! I'm Fink, a doctor with a degree in something. Today I'll show you how to survive the upcoming PLAGUE which will kill us all. This is called EBOLA. Step 1: Trust no one When America turns into complete anarchy, everyone will try to kill and eat each other. Your friends and family may backstab you, so watch out. Step 2: Watch out for people infected with ebola. Most people infected with ebola are blacks, so watch out for what they say. Ebola patients will want kfc and kool-aid and they will say nigga a lot. Here is a video on what to do if you see one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6Jb2k4ovjs The instructions stop after 30 seconds. Step 3: Find a religion to give faith. Hope and faith can help save us. I personally pray to the dark lord, Chin Chin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_dTLeM1K1E Step 4: Find weapons. I personally like to fight in a police officer costume with a pistol because africans are afraid of the police. This will be updated when I think of things
  6. Sadly the name fink is taken by my other account. @[51480:@Nomulous] can you get rid of that account somehow?
    1. Muzzle


      Why don't you have your other account?
    2. Fink


      I have it but the only time I used it was when i got logged outta this one. I can't change the name on it because I need 300 credits
    3. Fink_
    4. Show next comments  54 more
  7. corey M: 8/10 A: 9/10
  8. Fink

    X the hedgehog

    But @Chrono Why is this such a problem? Oh so cool you use 4chan! We are all 12 year olds because we posted something that is used a lot on an image board website apparently. Oh yeah and most of us DON'T USE 4CHAN. Why would you assume we are from 4chan because we are using a trend from it? I have seen this used on other sites.
  9. Fink

    X the hedgehog

    lol u all r knewfags <implying <mfw <u all r knewfags <gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 topkek u al r knewfag btards xD
  10. Should I keep this name or be fink say yes for this name or no for fink
    1. Gwoash


      fink doesn't exist anymore... only cptfuckingfalcon
    2. RichKnight


      gg @[51478:@Gwoash]
    3. Swift


      no for Corey
    4. Show next comments  54 more
  11. Most mature xg 2014
  12. Fink

    That awp shot tho
  13. Fink

    X the hedgehog

    I typed Justin the hedgehog. A buff Justin bieber hedgehog came up. I hate my name
  14. Well Fink's Slaughterhouse from Borderlands 2 and Fink from Bioshock I used to be Krieg from Borderlands 2 I had other names but I forget them. I remember my first steam username, El Retardo. My steam name is Captain Falcon because I love SSB and my main is Captain Falcon One of my old names was Toon Link because I was amazing with him in Brawl and he was my old main.
  15. Old star wars > old star trek new star wars < new star trek
  16. guys bulying is a serius uffense tumblr tuld me soe
  17. I just got cod 4, and I have to say its a fun game. I see all these mods and modded gamemodes but don't know good ones (im not a codfag lol) pls help
  18. On my way to fuck your bitch -Burrito 2014 It looks great!
  19. Fink


    So raging faggot?
  20. Fink


    I had a choice to be a raging faggot or a kind, mature, man. You know what I chose.