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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. Well, ok. Both parties have been warned enough for some kind of action. Like I said, we shouldn't just let it slide this time.
  2. @Chrono We can't just let something like this slide again. Something has to happen this time. Unless, it's certain something WILL happen next time shit happens. Kitty has been warned enough for some kind of punishment.
  3. Ok don't do photos like that of me, please.
  4. +1 She's been mean for too long now. I thought I had evidence myself for this but I guess I was wrong. (I'll look on my Laptop later) I don't think a perm is the right punishment, yet. Maybe a month or two so she can think about what she's said and done. #TimeoutCorner And what happened to the "attention seeking" rule thing? Bc there's been some post that, in my opinion, are a little attention seeking. (Which I will post here later, if still open.) Can we just have a peaceful forum back? :{
  5. #RePromoteHachi?
  6. Haruka


    @Bach @Kbraszz Too young plz closere
  7. +1 pretty cool dude, active A: 8/10 M: 9/10
  8. -1 dosnt know the rules. Nethertheless, he's active. A: 6/10 M:7/10
  9. I swear if I get photoshopped I'm sueing
  10. "That's why I want him in me so bad" -@Tekage +1 coolest kid on the block. Hella active. A: 10/10 M:9/10
  12. We should always remember this important fact: Naruto was originally a yaoi.
    1. Tekk


      I'm so glad that I've never liked Naruto
    2. Gwoash


      wait, whaa source?
    3. SireScumbo


      Das pretty hawt.
    4. Show next comments  132 more
  13. Haruka

    My Art Shit Dump

    It looks ok. Th faces are starring into my soul...
  14. +1 cool guy, active and shit A: 8/10 M: 8/10
  15. Just started playing the servers kinda -1 A: 4/10 M: 5/10
  16. P is for pussy, that's good enough for me..
    1. SupremeWolf


      K is for keys, give them all to me.
    2. Barmithian


      N is for no, nothing comes for free.
    3. Tsuchikure


      @[106611:@Nu_13] i'll just leave this here, seems like the proper place