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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. Cool kid, rad taste for clothes. Active and shit +1 A: 9/10 M: 9/10
  2. Haruka


    Thanks guys. I'm pretty sure you can close this now. I won't wear (Sh) anymore.
  3. Haruka


    But another question, Is it a problem that I play on their servers? Since Forge finds that a problem, I guess.
  4. Haruka


    So, Let me explain. SodaHappy isn't a clan. Me having (Sh) In my name means I support their servers. Now, I see that it would be a problem if I were staff there (which I'm not). Am I not allowed to support other servers? If the problem is that I'm just wearing their tag, then I wont wear it anymore.
  5. Well, if it gets to the point where their down right annoying, be like "yo shut up". Let there be a line that people cant cross: or its the ol' gag/mute/kick/ban.
  6. Coffee makes me poop
    1. Ohstopyou


      Wot. The. Fuk.
    2. Swift


      then again i thought grills dont poop?
    3. Ohstopyou


    4. Show next comments  138 more
  7. Making staff abuse post would help staff wise, but member wise would take too long imo. If staff is watching the discrimination/bullying happening, they should step in and put down some kind of punishment. Our rules say treat everyone fairly but no one enforces it.
  8. Got my s.fpro flame thrower. #95%done
    1. Tekk


      You should name it "MY BAE" or something
    2. Barmithian


    3. Tekk


      But of course
  9. I belive this is why SodaHappy servers are very successful. They don't allow any kind of bullying/discrimination. Not saying we have to be family friendly servers, but in my eyes, server activity is going down. Jb1 always use to be full. If we enforce rules like these maybe we'll see a rise in activity again.
  10. Forget the Disco beat down head warmer. Shootin' for a Blizzardy storm one now. #ChirstmasPyro50%Complete
  11. -1 still needs to mature, but yes, he is active. A: 8/10 M: 4/10
  12. I actually like the solider instead of scout idea. Splash damage, which can take on a crowd. Putting a becon (or outlining) everyone would help find campers. Buffed health actually helps to try to get an LR. You can EASILY take out the LCT with a headshot/backstab. Now, I personally think some LCT rules should be changed. Like LR on a called freeday? I think I went over this in another thread.. I understand if the last person dosnt have a mic and can't taken warden, but if the warden CALLS a freeday, why would LCT have to take place? Maybe there should be a command only the warden can do which can negate LCT, for that round, if they were to call a freeday.
  13. Motoko.. Motoko-kun... Sorry, I don't really know who you are.. If you message me on steam telling me who you were when I added you, and if I even remember then..., I'll +1. But 0 for now...
  14. Didn't even tag @Dethman And I don't like rotation. Sorry.
  15. Wtf is your icon.
    1. Ohstopyou


      0:18 and on. Plsyes. http://youtu.be/i2C2a1lX8Is
  16. My rateing bar dosnt look like the Mexican Flag anymore :<
    1. Ohstopyou


      We can fix that if you'd like c:
    2. SupremeWolf


      Mexicans. They're all dirty to me.
    3. Swift


      :( why supreme
    4. Show next comments  138 more
  17. Haruka

    Social media!

    Make sure to check out Nomus twitter, too.
  18. Oldish pic, I don't have silly ones <:S