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Everything posted by Haruka

  1. +1 my Tekky <3 super active and mature. Always getting crits on me.. A: 9/10 M: 10/10
  2. +1 active, nice, would make a good addition. :llama: A: 7/10 M: 8/10
  3. +1 active hale baby and is also active on some of the other server, but not active enough to get other vouches from non hale players. Also very mature~ :llama: A:7/10 M: 9/10
  4. And atleast the guy wasn't like KapoTheDragon. (Read my steam profile. That was after an hour ban..)
  5. I really think a no tree map shoul be made.
  6. PLUS HE CALLED ME GAY. It hurt my feelings I had I leave the server and cry.
  7. Hamchi, hapchi, hamachi, hatchi, admin, and Hachi. That's what I'm use to bein called :I
  8. Me and Starfish were spawn camping you and you were getting mad. I gaged you and you rejoined. #NuffSaid?
  9. Noe don't go you'll die
  10. Strange Sapper Achived
    1. Forge


      Achieved* :>
    2. Kypari
    3. Haruka


      Strange festive is like 3 keys and a half.. But like I said I'm poor. :U
    4. Show next comments  147 more
  11. #LetsAllKillKartWhileInBuddha @Kart +1
  12. Actually, only one of them got banned then they just stoped coming. Now they made that stupid ass group called Gx and do nothing but come and cause trouble. Something has to be done.
  13. @Kbraszz damnit close this.
  14. Gwoash I'm pretty sure you've seen him a few times in the past. And if anyone remembers those kids Sir.Sinister and Purple, I'm pretty sure you'll remember this kid too.
  15. And I can say I'm fucking Ariana Grande.
  16. He's 12. Unless his birthday passed: but that means he's 13. Still not eligible. Tagging people who know him. @Goblin @Marceline @John_Madden I'm having trouble remembering old regulars people from jb2 ._.
  17. Btw, this user is a 12/13 year old boy. He commented on my profile and had his name next to the username (which is what I do to good friends). User had made a member submission before. Manhamster - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers @Kbraszz please close.