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Everything posted by Kittylicious

  1. Purple Anger - The overused ugly sniper hat of eww
  2. +1 hes very rude, unfriendly, keeps insulting people for no reason. Also kept calling me a bitch and other stuff as seen in the screenshots.
  3. Roger posted a child porn spray on pokemon trade which I made others aware of. I won't describe it but it was child porn without a doubt. Please just perm this disgusting freak from the website immediately
  4. I like it, bright colours make it more cheerful
  5. Kittylicious


    TF2 staff confirmed for having no balls
  6. the game itself is making me leave not any rule. I don't really care about spawn camping or not. I don't play this crappy game much anyway. Sucks too much to take my time.
  7. I actually don't like RTD because I never get good rolls and everyone else does. :confused:
  8. wheres the small print stating that over priced micro transactions must be made to play the game
  9. I like Healix, hes never been the bad type deserving of a permanent ban. I don't know the true story behind this but I would like healix unbanned. I will see what Vector says about it.
  10. how do I not post as myself? and I doubt theres many people called Amy in the group
  11. umm I don't use twitter much and my Facebook is private so I can't join the group :cat:
  12. I would actually combine several places to raffle the items not just exclusivily xG so I can manage to sell the slots
  13. wonderful to see the lovely new TF2 DM posting so negatively. Just close this please. @kbraszzz
  14. as you probably know I am trying to cash out of TF2 and am selling my whole backpack for pure which I can turn into keys and sell or trade for other games. But a lot have asked me why I don't like TF2 anymore and what is my reason for not wanting to play it so much. I will explain. I used to never unbox but I played a website game called TF2 uncrating simulator and I got an unusual hat on unbox 17. I thought it was easier to unbox an unusual than I thought and tried to get one myself. I bought a lot of crates and then keys and started unboxing, I got strange after strange after strange. I ended up having so many I gave them away. At one time I think I had over 30 strange shovels. I kept unboxing and counting how many crates I opened. I finally got an unusual on unbox 97. However it was low tier, ugly and hard to sell. I only managed to get 1.1 buds for it. But I still unboxed and never got another unusual and stopped counting at unbox 106, I started to not want to unbox anymore but I still did sometimes and it never turned out well. For those on tgh when the late summer crates came out you will remember I unboxed 4 crates and got 3 soldier beards and 1 heavy beard, all unique quality, the cheapest items in the whole crate. Now on to another place I spent a lot of money. MvM. I have done 81 tours in total on 2 cities and only managed to get one australium. The last time I played MvM was my last ever and at that time I started hating TF2. I was playing like normally and on the last wave the heavy disconnects and a new one joins. He had a gibus, no backpack worth and only 103 hours played. He claimed he got his MvM tickets from his real life friend and was about to finish the mission and kept asking if he would get a reward for completing. He was terrible, kept popping off the medics ubers, dying and doing hardly no damage with his tomislav. However the rest of the group was good and we managed to win with him. Now for the bit that got me mad. I was last in the line to get my reward. Keep in mind this heavy joined right at the last wave. I was waiting happily twiddling my thumbs. Everybody got normal rewards from not finishing the tour and it was all fine. The heavy comes up and he has 4, yes 4! tour completion crates. I knew this meant an australium because 4 is 100% guarantee of australium and a pro fabricator. The crates pop open a professional scattergun fabricator and an australium rocket launcher. He was on his first tour and got that reward for playing awfully. I come up with 2 tour completion crates and get a specialized third degree fabricator. On tour 75 and I was playing scout with a perfect A+ mission. I was and still am mad at that. Now for the math I did on how much this all cost me and how much I have earned/lost. This is the main reason why I am hating TF2 so much. Money spent on keys upto 106 (not the ones I spent after which could of been 20-30) - $294 Money spent on MvM mann up tickets - $297 Money spent in mann co store on paint, name tags, desc tags, taunts - around $300 I can guess. total = $861+ TF2 is not worth $861+! I looked at my backpack on backpack.tf to see my backpack worth and its only $498 :( thats like $400 loss and will probably be even more because I can't sell my backpack for all that money. So I feel upset at TF2 because I see people unboxing 10 bud unusuals in 5 crates, getting super rich from 1 MvM tour with free tickets, people getting golden pans with 40 tours while all I get is bad rewards, bad unboxs and just bad luck. I think you need to be lucky to enjoy TF2 and I'm just not lucky. Other things I hate are the unbalanced weapons like dead ringer, the fact I only play on xG servers and I lag all the time in them because they are in US, The fact my hitscan does not work most of the time and it fails to register my hits and I die and random crits (something you need luck to get and everyone always gets lots of crits except me) So thats why I hate TF2 and I urge people not to get irresponsible and spend outrageous amounts on this game because its not worth it, a day will come where you don't like TF2 anymore and you look back with regret spending so much, thats what I feel and it sucks. This game is free and should be enjoyed without spending. So please do that. I will still play TF2 sometimes but right now I'm trying to focus on selling what I can for some of the $861+ back. Hope you enjoyed the story and if you feel my pain please be my huggy bear. If you want to help me out and buy something check my inventory: Steam Community :: ♥ Mimi The Unikitty ♥ :: Item Inventory Also check my other thread for my idea of raffling my backpack: If i raffled my backpack in several combo packs how many would enter? | Xeno Gamers
  15. I need a rough idea because nobody is buying my stuff so if I raffle off several items at once the winner would get profit and I would get metal for the items I am trying to sell. I need to know how many here would enter the raffles, they would be maybe 1 ref per slot, 1 key is too much and won't get many entries. I used to do raffles and contests before and gave away half my backpack in free entry prizes and events. So maybe I should raffle again. Please vote in poll if you would enter for large packs of items. There will be a few packs to enter for.
  16. Kittylicious


    this thread is baka!
  17. If I was to make a guild on WoW, how many active people would I need to make WoW div a thing? It would need a section on the forum for applications, discussion and event stuff to direct people to. I don't think I can get in a guild myself because out of all I apply for they decline me because of my age (n)
  18. pay for a dedicated WoW private server please @Nomulous :P #WoWDiv2014
  19. Kittylicious


    boku boku kitty chan kawaii desu
  20. +1 no credits should be lost for death.
  21. Don't really like sports. Don't have a favourite team.
  22. TF2 melee :rolleyes: also the sandman. Can't figure out why scout needs a stun.
  23. I used to watch Dora the Explorer everyday after school.