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Everything posted by AdamStoe98

  1. acually you can just do !servers on one of the xG servers, and it will give a listof all of them
  2. AdamStoe98

    Pick Up Lines

    Hey baby, you must be a light switch, cuz every time I see you, you turn me on!
  3. Im gonna give him a +1 acually. yes he trolls a bit, but other than that he is a pretty good guy. Hes ative, knows the rules of JB, Fucking funny as hell. M: 8/10 A: 8/10
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zwl_wihgalk
  5. ok. i guess this is a shit post then. @kbraszzz close plz
  6. yeah but the warden said nothing about hitting baiters, so he had no right to kill me.
  7. did this happon before or after i was there? oh and +1 for ban.
  8. Take the file, download it. Get to your TF2 folder, click TF, and drop it in there. THen in game, concole, demoui, open and you should find it there
  9. sorry, i got so many demos, thats the only one i could remember
  10. ok try this link Dropbox - rudeaddmofo.dem If this does not work, idk what to do.
  11. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Flameboyx2001 Offender's Steam ID: Steam Community :: flameboyx2001 Rules Broken: Dis repectful, Freekilling, Freeshooting. Evidence: Ok so when i get on JB1, this guy was calling everyone niggas. He freekilled me because he baited and i hit him. And according to other members/players, he freekilled before i got on. Plzz do soemthing about this.
  12. If you want mod, you have to become member first, and then from there Kbraszz will choose New mods at each Promo. but you got to wait.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bzWSJG93P8
  14. I dont know what you guys think, but i think he is a good guy. sorry -_-
  15. Ok. I change my vote after playing with him a few times, he is active on both tradeing servers, hes nice, mature. would be a great addition. +1 A: 8/10 M: 9/10
  16. i saw your thread you made. You got to wait till u get 10 +1s <--- that one dont count. Then @kbraszzz has to accept you. BUt anyways, you active on the tradeing servers, Mature. Would be a great addiction. +1 <--- That one counts. M: 8/10 A: 7/10
  17. AdamStoe98


    Think about this. Think of how many members we would have if all you had to do is fill out a member app. There is already 50+ members. Think about 100+ to 500+ members.
  18. I agree here. You tell people to pick lego jail just to piss people off, your Immature while doing it. But other than that, you know the rules, and your active. So idk, ill have to think about this
  19. Alrighty. Im at a 0 for right now. Why you may be asking. One, I don't know if it was on accedent or on purpose but yuo did freekill a few people yesderday. 2. Yesderday was my first time seeing you on the servers. Other than that, you are pretty mature. so again im at 0 for now.
  20. Ok. FIrst of, you got 2 member apps up. 2. I have never seen you on TeamSpeck, and im usually there all day. Other than that, pretty cool guy. Knows the rules, Mature. +1
  21. Im changeing my vote to a +1, my vision of her changed after i played with her a few times. SHe is also pretty funny. so +1 M: 8/10 A: still not sure since iv been busy lately, so 6/10
  22. wow. Just wow. This just left me spechless. but anyways, I don't think Vector would assult any one who plays on the servers. I don't think and staff of xG would assult anyone. plus, you have no proof. so +1 with keep perma ban.