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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by AdamStoe98

  1. quote="FoRgE, post: 196943, member: 106409"]Broke the rules countless times even when they were explained. -1 A: 6 M: 0
  2. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    older than all of you.
  3. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    yeah, stick your hand up my ass and get it. stfu and go away your little prick
  4. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    Like i said, I DONT GIVE A FUCK.
  5. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    3 years and not a member yet. Good for you.
  6. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    @DrLee he started it.
  7. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    I know more than you.
  8. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    I see why you 2 arint members, no one seeings anything in you. you guys are just a bunch of worthless ass fucking bastards.
  9. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    I speck over 5 different Languages. so hop off mah dick.
  10. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    blah whatever. you keep thinking that.
  11. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    Do you have down syndrome, because our beyond mentally Retarded.
  12. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    yeah I like to see you try. Find where i life, rape my sister, and watch me stick a knife in you fucking head.
  13. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    Nice come back, my little sister can do better. You win the Biggest Dumb Ass of the year award. Congrats.
  14. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    I don't know, and i really dont give 2 shits.
  15. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    I have the right to speak. I can talk to you all i want.
  16. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    Don't talk to me like that.
  17. AdamStoe98

    Nigga Wtf

    maybe because your a annoying little squeaker.
  18. Seen him on a lot. Nice guy, fun to play with, mature, would be a nice addition. M: 8/10 A: 9/10
  19. What do the tags in your past name history mean, or are they make up tags?
  20. I have not seen him on in a while, iv only seen him in the TTT gmod TS room. umm last time i seen you on TF2 you were kinda annoying. so -1. A: 3/10 M: 4/10
  21. That is probably why gmask put up a ban request for that mofo using spy disguise. I havent been on for a while so idk.
  22. Never seen you. 0 for now until further notice.
  23. gg ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
  24. Whats the website where you made these?