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Everything posted by AdamStoe98

  1. i finally figered out how to play one of theses demos. Anyways. If he is attempting to freekill, that means he is trying to freekill. And also looking at the logs, givein by Matsi, you can see that he killed more than 1 person. It seems like he killed half your team. so +1 for ban.
  2. +1 He is Active, Mature, Nice to everyone. It would be a great addiction to the clan. M: 9/10 A: 8/10
  3. omg it took me 7 min to read though all that.
  4. idk why. ok. @kbraszzz plzz close. im goonna spam your seam inbox with close now. no jk
  5. Ok look. If the DM says you fucked up, your fucked up. there is no going back now. bye byee bitch. PLzz close.
  6. It was on JB 2 i think. when there was only about 5-7 people
  7. yes. which is already a banable offence. You cant give just 1 red a freeday, and leave everyone else locked up. It does not work that way. this is like the 5,000th time i told you this. and again, not listoning. plzz close someone.
  9. give him time, he is reading though it.
  10. the proof i showed was mass favertism. You letting 1 red have freeday, and no one else. you did that for about 6 days stright. Ples, you killed who ever came out, which is freekill. ph and, you let that one red have LR, cuz you end up killing everyone else, and he says freeday for him self. which you cant have 2 same LRs in a row. so just stop argueing. Im right, your wrong. Someone close plzz
  11. Ok look. Many Admins/Mods/DMs have seen you fuck up. Im guessing it was not a big deal, so they did nothing about it. so shut the hell up. @kbraszzz plzz close.
  13. in my book, loophole is fucking up and you knowing it.
  14. I did not expect a perma ban tho. I will admit. but still. you and your friends have caused so many problems. When i trie to votekick/voteban, you get everyone on your side and everyone plays by "your rules". That just does not work here. Go do that shit somewhere else.
  15. Ok. First off I don't want to play with you. I don't know if i wanna even be on the same server as you. You play unfair and i don't like it. Second, I told you many many times though a few weeks now that you were not playing right. Iv told you to read the !motd before you get on blue and do shit like this, and yet you have not. It even says in the !motd READ THIS BEFORE JOINING CT TEAM. or something like that.
  16. no. I will talk to him and see what I can do to get you atleast unpermabanned. I do agree with @John_Madden you really don't deserve to be unpermabanned, but I have no proof of freekill/freeshoot.
  17. yes. I now noticed i have no proof for freekill, but i do have proof for favertism. I will talk with @kbraszzz to see what i can do.
  18. well, I have had alot of problems with you. I was the reason why you got banned. I put a ban request up for you when you let 1 red have freeday, and not the other. That right there is already a ban, plus freekill everyone who left their cells when you allowed 1 red to have freeday. That is called Favertism. Am I happy you got banned? damn right I am. I tried and tried to teach you the rule, but you wanted to play how you wanted, and this is your punishment. I have nothing else to say, good day to you.
  19. Acually, I think im going to change my vote a little. After Acually hearing you talk more than once, you dont sound 13. Your mature, notreally sure how active you are so im at 0 for now.
  20. Some of these Voches are invalid. You have to give a good reason. not just, "he cool". Just saying.
  21. i dont think he was a xG mamber. The person given a freeday for him self was already banned, and another one of his friends was banned aswell.
  22. Thats a good idea Forest, i shall try that for furture things.
  23. If your thinking of M: and A:, that means A= Active and M= Mature Anyways. I have not played with you yet, so im at 0 for now. -_-
  24. oh and i forgot, you dont sound 15. you sound like your 13
  25. ok. First off, i cought you with xG tags. Second, I belive you only been playing on the servers for a few days. third, it says on your steam account that its not your account. -1 A: 7/10 M: 6/10