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Everything posted by AdamStoe98

  1. oh i know scammers when i see them. I am really good with prices and shit. I got a list thats about 5 pages long of prices that i hand wrote my self.
  2. haha. yeah ill try it when i get my hands on some money. I play alot of Poker games on facebook, because it is online.
  3. oh i looked up all poker night at the inventory, looks like a cool game, cant buy itho. gg
  4. Well, in the sake of looking at Good Day Chaps! | Xeno Gamers I remember i never made my thread about this. So lets do this. Hello, my name is Adam aka AdamStoe, Im 16 and live in USA (not giveing out location because of stalkers). I like playing games. Iv been playing TF2 for about 5 months now and have over 600 hours. Other fav game, GTA V, Deadisland, old school Mario, and the Halo series. I like to pull pranks on family member, and joke around alot. so some of the stuff i say i dont mean it, its a joke. I Play alot of Poker, and 8-ball. My great grandma and grandpa were the Number 1 poker plays in the USA back in the 70s. Thats it, if you want to know anything else (nothing to personal plzz), post it below. Thanks for reading.
  5. ew forge. no jk. sup homie
  6. I played with him on pokemon trade before, and gameing history. seems like a nice guy, mature. I don't really know about how active he is, so.......... +1 M: 9/10 A: (from a guess) 8/10
  7. well played with him on JB. seems like a cool guy. but this is the frist time iv seen you. Ill have to wait a bit.
  8. yeah, and type "unbindall" in the console and you will get a free strange.
  9. yeah i mainly like 80's, and 90's metal. Megadeth, Metallica, pantera, Slayer, ect...
  10. Come on man. dis bullshet. why you guyz be so rich. i wanna be rich. give me tips and advice.
  11. He @DrLee look at this. gg watch it all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE3-4VvIpXA
  12. @xxxalexjxxx3 Go get the link to your profile on steam, paste it here. Steam ID Finder and use that steam ID.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGx9qkduIIs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pelgcovZkFk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peZ7cT4EevU
  14. ban that mutha fucka. BAN HIMMMMMMMMM.
  15. never seen you. 0 until further notice.
  16. and forge is a good guy, when you get to know him and acually sit and play with him. you rebeled on your own LR and he killed you. suck it up sally and go on with life.
  17. Bullshit. You were in ninesquare and you straight up hit him in the face, "oh it was on accedent" which yes it could be. but still, if it was a accedent or not, its STILL rebeling.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Yr5rn3Sv_4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGtW4AFyLyM
  19. oh thats just from today, hes been doing stuff for weeks now. some in which i have no proof of, but like "oh im the only blue, im gonna camp armpry untill you guys come in".
  20. I dont see why you just put up a ban request for calling you something. That is not the purpose of a ban request. and if anything I never seen you. so what the f u c k man?
  21. Become a bit more mature, say your real age, and if you meet these ill +1 you, but until then, 0 for me.
  22. umm idk. and use Adamstoe875448. The other one is my steam account
  23. It will be a -1 here. Broke rules many times and iv tried to help him learn them, but no. M: 3/10 A:5/10