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Everything posted by AdamStoe98

  1. AdamStoe98

    New Name?

    I think not. Most people know you as @ShockeDeel, soooo idk.
  2. lol your from Wisconsin, me too.
    1. FireWire


      -Kenosha- You?
    2. AdamStoe98
    3. FireWire


      Go Blackhawks!
  3. Don't make fun of Kbraszz'z accent.
  4. AdamStoe98

    My Vlogs

    nice just watched it
  5. Ok. Seen you on Yesterday i think, and maybe a few other times, but im at 0 for now. Ill wait till I play more with you.
  6. No. Its a few simple words, HIT & RUN LIKE HELL
  7. My name is just my name (which is also my dads name) and the first 4 letters of my middle name. It sounded nice together so i stayed with it.
  8. ok ill do that next time. and i was in a hurry so i did not get as much evidence that i wanted, but i got some.
  9. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: mono Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:87683306 Rules Broken: Abuse voteban system, Achivment Hack. Evidence: I dont know if he is hacking, but he got 300 Achivents in less than 10 seconds, plus abuseing voteban, and just leaves. Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot Screenshot
  10. Iv seen him on the servers a couple times. hes nice, mature, and Active. +1 M: 9/10 A: 8/10
  11. It looks really realistic. I like it.
  12. no wrong. 1. Do first order. 2. Rebel and kill all blues. 3. Round ends, Repeat. 4. Make Warden rage quit.
  13. Whats your name on TeamSpeak??
  14. Do what the warden says, or you die. Simple and easy.
  15. Ahh ok. Well dont think i really seen him, so im at 0 for bow
  16. ok here, sorry not the right size.
  17. ahh shit. idk how to make them.
  18. I have a cheap laptop that i got for Christmas. SkullCandy headphones, Logitech wireless mouse. Thats about it. Im looking to upgrade this summer when i get some money. Upgradeing to a Apple iMac. I may got the wrose set up of all time. lol
  19. I think Steam groups announcement is a good idea. I mean theres over 10,000 on the steam, im sure we will get ore people on the servers.