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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by AdamStoe98

  1. I got an idea in mind for a cool little game i can build. I saw it on a youtube video on the Mindcrack server. Its called the Death Games. build it in Survival, let everyone play. It would be a little fun addition.
  2. Also, share the IP with other people. Im guessing thats what people have been doing.
  3. the more you vote, the bigger the chance someone will see our server on websites. Im guessing.
  4. xG servers are finally back up.
    1. DrLee


      The six hour struggle.
  5. I guess i would try to get some freinds playing there. Ill share the IP on Twitter, Facebook, ect....
  6. thought you were already in xG. lol but anyways. Active, Mature, very nice, Great Great addition to the clan. M: 9/10 A:10/10 And Happy Birthday!
  7. I LIVE NEAR ICE. I hope he dont rape me.
    1. Marceline


      Can I be your savior
    2. AdamStoe98


      you can stay at his house and keep him away from me.
    3. Marceline


      On the job :ninja:
  8. AdamStoe98

    My Drawings :3

    nice. I hate drawing, and painting. but i like photo editing. dont know why.
  9. yeah. I heard someone talking to you on teamspeak, sounded like your mom. Saying oh tuen your computer off and shit. Buy good luck man.
  10. iv played with him alot. Hes a really nice guy, fun to play with. He does over react sometimes, but it cool. Hes pretty funny too. its a +1 for me. M: 8/10 A: 7/10
  11. yeah my final exams are comeing up soon for school.
  12. Why hello there, I wanted to the everyone know why some weekends i wont be active on any server. Some weekend my family and I go up north for Hunting/fishing/ice fishing season. We don't have wifi so i wont be able to do anything. This weekend happons to be that weekend. I jsut wanted to let you guyzz know. okiee.
  13. Arent you already a member?
  14. Grat to everyone. STEAM_0:0:80714763 There my ID.
  15. Knows the riles, Mature, Active. Would be a great addition to the clan. +1 M: 9/10 A:7/10
  16. at 7 +1s so far. 3 more to go.
  17. yes he did goblin, yes he did.
  18. anyways, i dont think there is any ways to unban a CT ban.
  19. ok so, you said you dident mass freekill, yet you said you wont do it again, so you just admitted to mass freekill.
  20. um qwama, Kbraszz will accept you. He will post something here about it. Thts when you are part of xG
  21. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Chris100200 Offender's Steam ID: Steam Community :: chris100200 Rules Broken: Freekilling, freeshooting, Not following wardens orders Evidence: Dropbox - #chrisisafreekiller.dem as you can see from the demo, he has freekill people multiple times. also freeshooting.
  22. never mind. I mis counted.