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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by AdamStoe98

  1. If you call disreaspecting people for who they are a job, what fucking world are you in? He makes fun of people is they look like a noob, if they play bad. It looks like to me xG is only for "good players". He thinks he owns the servers so he wants everthing his way. Guess what buddy thats not how it works
  2. Ok if they deserve it he needs to put a proper reasoning to it. Like "Annoying on mic" or "Dis reaspect" not "Meow" or some bullshit like that
  3. oh and FYI dont ever try talking to me cuz im gonna block you on steam and mute you on the servers, gg
  4. whoa whoa whoa, I know you like to Disreaspect people of how they like furries or ponies or whatever, i dident know you were making shit bans. "Meow" or "autism" is nota proper reasoning for a ban, so in short words......aboose. +1 #DemoteVector2014
  5. 0 for now, i need to be more active on poke. gg
  6. well have fun, Hope she get well soon. :)
  7. OH. I though it was a server ban. My mistake. sowwy
  8. well even if he dident open the doors it would still be freeday, because the warden did not say Out of cell rebel. But he did mass freekill which should only result in a CT ban.
  9. @Matsi @Matsi @Matsi @Matsi @Matsi @Matsi @Matsi @Matsi @Matsi @Matsi @Matsi
  10. Well, You can only Kill a red if they lethal taunt if it is pointing at a blue from what iv heard. If the warden says they can taunt than it is freekill. And depending on how may people you killed. How long is your ban?
  11. I had to go to walmart, Aka Shitmart.
  12. AdamStoe98

    Summer Plans!~

    Well, I got a job, finally. I start working next week or the week after. Other than that nothing else.
  13. Its about time man. Very nice guy, active, always fun to play with. A: 9/10 M: 9/10
  14. There aint no one on JB in CS:GO
  15. you forgot to say that Kendrick stepped down as well in MC
  16. finally, no more fucking freedays because the warden did not reapeat the 5,000 times reds asked.
  17. Well if you guys are wondering, VAC means Valve Anti-Cheat System. That being said the reason why you were banned is because of cheating is some form. Hacking, or being a stight up asshole. On Second thought, I dont think iv seen you on our servers, i might be mistaken, but im at a 0 for now until further due.
  18. Atleast he was had the balls to say what he did. Most people dont. so +1 for no Demo, even tho iv never played with you. lol gg
  19. Tip. Dont play CSS. TF2 master race
  20. So i just bought CS:GO and so far im really likeing the game. But Im wonder how i can get skins, new weapons, ect.... are they drops, do you have to Buy them. Also, Why is there no people on the xG CS:GO servers?
  21. It works for me when you take the file and put it in your saves folder. There are oter ways to do this, but this is what i use.