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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by AdamStoe98

  1. give me a key, then ill go. gg
  2. CS:GO is gonna take Muzzle over. Like what TF2 did to Matsi. gg
  3. +1 User is very hella active, he knows the rules of JB very well, and mature. and gg G Mask's vote does not count cuz he a scrub. M: 9/10 A: 9/10
  4. why is everyone leaveing all of a sudden. weird. anyways, later dood, it was nice playing with you. gg
  5. oh forgot the +1. BTW your at 9 +1s already.
  6. User is active on the trade servers, fun guy to play with, mature, would be a great addition to the clan! M: 10/10 A: 9/10
  7. AdamStoe98


    id have sex with that girl that i stalk every day
  8. its too late i think?
  9. AdamStoe98

    New Staff

    Personally, i can think of many people who would be good mods/admins. Rejects would be a good Admin, although he is not as active as other people. If frentus had a mic, he would be a good mod because he gets on like early in the morning (when the noobs are on). I have more, but ill keep them as a secret.
  10. type "unbindall" and get a free hat. hehehehehehehhe
  11. I was told that you left GGF to join xG. Great idea because xG is better than GGF. Anyways, User is active, Nice, knows the rulse to JB. Would be a Great Addition to the clan. +1 A: 8/10 M: 9/10
  12. Become a member first, be a good little boy and maybe you will get Mod. .....in like 10 years....
  13. dude, you just got promoted?
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUYw0oNrv7w
  15. No sir. 10 +1s ad you got to wait until @kbraszzz accepts you in.
  16. for fucks sake. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 (happy @Barmithian)
  17. they dont like it because its boring as shit
  18. not all people have BF4, and people (like me) don't want BF4 because you can only get it on Orgin. which is for scrubs. plus i have BF4 for Xbox live.
  19. wow. banned 5 times because of Racism. I know from knowledge someone who has been banned that many times has a 5% chance of becomeing a mod.
  20. ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
  21. that is just fine. perfect