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Everything posted by Lithium

  1. Still, +1. He's been a good pm so far, no abuse, and he's quite active and mature and knows the rules as well as any other mod.
  2. Not just on lego, it seems. It just happened on bhopbattle. I had console logging enabled and the last thing that happened before the crash was "Dice: You have tiny beacons... (Effect: Tiny Beacon)" So, it might be an issue with beacons. I'll keep console logging on for a while longer though, just to see "Dice: xG:M Juben is a very very sneaky individual. (Effect: Sneaky Spy) Dice: TwistedWarpath's speed has decreased by 40%%! (Effect: Speed--) Dice: KCCRAIN loses health for each enemy death! (Effect: Pacifist) Dice: oG Viper loses health for each enemy death! (Effect: Pacifist) Dice: You have tiny beacons... (Effect: Tiny Beacon)" Then crash, and it was a little after 12am today if theres anything there in server logs
  3. Yes, that is the SnackNewsBot logo you see.
  4. why the fuck is your name in that disgusting shart of a font
  5. Lithium

    So Uh

    Do you really think xG DLs actually try? Cmon.
  6. I got tiny beacon, and it didnt crash, so its not just any beacons. If anyone wants to help find whats causing it put -condebug in your css startup options whenever you go on minigames ;) if it happens while youre on post the relevant part of the log here so we can see if its the plugins or map (or what exactly it is on the map thats breaking)
  7. The server does not crash, only clients crash with this issue. And this issue only happens on lego_multigames. V2 is the newest version of it and I assume thats whats on the server. Since it only happens on this map, it's not a plugin issue by itself, but it could be something on the map is interfering with plugins. I don't think its just a map issue though, it doesnt seem to happen at the same time regularly. Just generally at the start of rounds (where everyone is RTDing, so I think aaron might be on to something)
  8. Hmm I've noticed mg_lego_multigames crashing clients a lot, but I never noticed it to be linked with RTD. Could be right though. I just tell people don't vote for lego right now
  9. -1 Not even a member. Try again. As legend said, you don't even know most of the rules yet.
  10. <3 people joining If the maps are made for 4 people, and right now we have 12, we could do one round of 4v4 and then the winning team goes on to face the other 4. Might be easier than teams of 6 for something like this. Or 2 rounds of 3v3 teams, and winning teams face each other.
  11. Just saying, there was a DM, a couple admins, and several mods watching. If they all agree that it's hacking, I'm not too sure we need a demo.
  12. @Haxx @jubens45 @Bleed @SoloMofo @Sojodak were all there as well
  13. I was there too and can't say that it was hacks but it did look just a bit sketchy to me. According to @Sojodak, some mods were recording demos (he said he thinks @ItsAaron did). So there's that.
  14. +1 absolutely. A 10/10 M: 9/11 never forget
  15. Wait, no tnt cannons? Several of the maps I've played had them built in already, it's kinda a great thing on some of the maps. Just as long as you don't break anything essential. But definitely ranged ways for sure.
  16. Pokemon Crystal. Still my favorite pokemon game ever. Was probably 5-6 then.
  17. RIP SnackNewsBot 2014-2014, he was a victim of chrono's smelliness. Without him we may never know what mystery substance fills new Doritos Loaded, available now at 7/11's across the country. also i'm totally up for the xg band idea
  18. Lithium


    One, single user, holds 90% of all forum credits. We need a redistribution of wealth on these forums, #OccupyNomulous
  19. Just for you, @DrLee (@SuperMaddud bigger plots pls, better pixel art)
  20. He would almost definitely, in my opinion, make a good mod. He's fairly active, certainly mature enough (by xG standards). HOWEVER: Last I checked he has no mic, and unless he now has a mic I'm not sure that would be the best for a mod.
  21. Edited the original post a bit, based on what people have said here and what I've seen in-game