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Everything posted by Lithium

  1. You must be in the clan for at least a month before applying for mod.
  2. +1, fairly active and mature, would be good addition to the community
  3. Team: seang@res player: seang@res
  4. I'm going to have to agree with owl here, multiple freekills do add up. If people are complaining about you as CT or calling freekills when you don't think they were, try to be a less strict warden sometimes. And if you do freekill someone unintentionally, it's best if you immediately apologize and slay yourself rather than wait for a mod/admin to do it. Just wait out the week ban (it's not that long, really) and try to be more careful going into the future.
  5. What bonk did was completely acceptable. That definitely could qualify as a mass bait and possibly gunplant. The best solution would be what chrono said, either just have a suicide bind or leave the server so you don't drop your guns to Ts.
  6. You'll just have to wait for him to respond.
  7. @Snackbar said he banned you for racism after warnings earlier today. The reason listed for the ban is incorrect, it's just one of the default ban reasons.
  8. Lithium


    +1. One of the most active players on surf and is always (trying) to be helpful with it. What other people have mentioned (immaturity, trolling, racism) have been issues in the past, though I haven't seen him causing trouble for a while so I think he deserves to be re-admitted.
  9. Like I said, it is enabled. And the server has been restarted many times since the problem popped up.
  10. Lithium

    Jb Rules

    We'll probably wait until the wiki is done for a full rewrite (if we even need it), but until then the existing rules has been edited to include anything that was enforced but missing and has been simplified quite a bit so it'll appear less daunting to new users. DM's and DL's are discussing the actual changes to the rules that were suggested, so we'll let you all know if there's any changes. Feel free to keep suggesting any small changes or re-wordings though, it's still long and could stand to be simpler.
  11. The replay bot is enabled, but not working for some reason. still trying to figure out why. The crashing might be fixed now, but we'll see.
  12. probably going on a fallout 4 binge if i know him
  13. Lithium

    Jb Rules

    I've been considering updating the rules recently, there's a lot of rules that aren't there that are enforced. I'll go ahead and update some things, but some of the things you suggested will need some discussion to see if we even want them (moving tarp time up from 7, custom lrs, etc)
  14. Lithium


    Some people posting in this thread it seems aren't realizing that this isn't solely based on the multitude of inappropriate comments, a lot of this is just based on how he acts towards other xG members, which (as has been shown in the past...) is enough to get people kicked out of xG or even banned. Any animal abuse issues aside- Essentially every interaction I've had/seen with matsi (admittedly not as much as some other people here, but enough I feel to get a good idea of him), he seems to be a generally immature individual. There's not too much more I have to say about him that hasn't already been expanded on by other people, but for the people asking for proof, what proof do you want? If you're referring to inappropriate comments, enough proof has already been provided. If you're referring to proof that many people in xG dislike him and think he's immature, that's the point of everyone posting in this thread.
  15. +1 has been fairly active recently, combined with previous mod experience so I think he'd be a great mod.
  16. +1 Definitely a cool guy, A:7, M:9
  17. I've seen him on more than I had before, so now I can say +1 A:8 M:8
  18. A:7 M:8 Didn't know the rules when he first joined, but he made sure he quickly learned them and would definitely be a good addition. +1
  19. If you want to go undercover (not show in the !staff list), just ensure you aren't wearing your xG tags. If xG isn't in your name, you won't show in the list.
  20. Closed since requirements aren't met yet. Feel free to create another app when they are.
  21. +1 My thoughts exactly. Been a good player so far from what I've seen, M:8 A:8
  22. +1, so long as he stops with the lying to people about the rules thing. Was a good mod on CS:S, and is quite active.
  23. +1 has been active on the servers for a while, knows the rules fairly well iirc