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Everything posted by Lithium

  1. This is the preferred version, for those of us with the class and subtlety to know better..
  2. 8-9 is probably best time for me. If you switched up the teams, you could come up with one single winner pretty easily, instead of having a whole team win. Or you could do it tourney style, start out with 4 teams, best 2 go on and get split up into 4 new teams, until its individuals against each other.
  3. Went well, when's the next one
  4. There's a chance I might not be able to be there at 7 tomorrow...
  5. I wouldn't. Not on a laptop, at least. 8 starts up amazingly quick compared to 7, which is really helpful with laptops. And really, 8.1 doesn't have any compatibility issues that I've seen at all, and it's really not that hard to set compatibility settings on anything that does have issues (theres always something with every new os that doesnt run anymore). Theres just no need to downgrade to 7 and spend all that money.
  6. Congrats! Anarchy in the css, no DL
  7. #1 - Check for bloatware on your new laptop that's taking up your bandwidth. Any software the laptop comes with you probably don't want. So, uninstall any manufacturer-installed software (security "free trials", "battery health" crap, updaters etc.) #2 - How good of a signal are you getting from your router? Is there any interference from other laptops, routers nearby? Check all that out. #3 - If you haven't already updated to 8.1, DO IT. 8 by itself locked up for me all the time, but as soon as I updated every little issue I had was solved. The new laptop you got isn't that much of an upgrade really, but if the old one worked fine the new one shouldn't have too much of a problem unless something's not working right. I don't recommend a reformat/reinstall if you don't need to, which you probably don't right now.
  8. I think you could re-adjust the prices to make it somewhat fair. A small bomb, for example, as it used to be, is something you should be able to easily earn in a couple rounds, even for new players. Medium, maybe a couple times a round. Large, only if you saved up all the money from a round. If small bombs were kept the same, mediums increased to 20-25k, and larges to 50-75k, that might even it out a bit. Also, redbull should be imo like 30-50k with bank as it is. Now interest could also be decreased as well as adding a cap to the amount of money in the bank. 1mil might be high enough that people can save up that much, but low enough that they might think twice before spending it all. And interest maybe .5%, or no interest at all. Just my thoughts on the matter.
  9. With the prices and interest the way it is right now, people can afford to spam redbull and large bombs every round. Something needs changing, whether its prices, interest rates, or just putting a cap on bank, or all 3. Redbull and bomb prices were set for before bank, and were fair prices, but with bank they're much too low and it's starting to really make it not fun anymore.
  10. I think I'm gonna have to agree with this. As it stands right now, +1 for demo.
  11. If you vaguely remember this, do you mind telling us why you think you did that? That's the key piece of info really
  12. I honestly haven't seen him do anything that could really be construed as abuse, just a lot of little things that reflect poorly on him.
  13. Race for wool is fun as hell, i'd definitely be in for that. The rest idk.
  14. He paid for mod because he knew he couldn't get it otherwise, he's not the type of person who's gonna be too defensive when it comes to losing it.
  15. Due to some rather immature behaviour from this player towards me when he noticed i recanted my +1, i would now like to change that to a -1. m:3
  16. Wasn't there, can't say anything as to what happened, but on a separate occasion fairly recently he was delaying a round with another player on a course map for quite a long time. Demo attached, and he was delaying for several minutes prior to that as well. Don't think that's abuse level behaviour, but not something I would want coming from a moderator on xG servers. paper.dem paper.dem
  17. Changed my mind, no longer +1. Doesnt know rules well enough
  18. +1, Mature enough for xg, seen him on a few times recently. Will see in the next few days if he keeps playing a:6 m:7
  19. I kinda have to agree that I don't see a point in that rule. With redie, a lot of people might just want to kill themselves and redie so they can play rather than waiting for someone who may or may not come to kill them or let them out. Now if you're in jail and someones shooting at you, then that's probably under the current rule. But I don't think it needs to be changed or anything else added.
  20. +1 A:7 M:9 Seen you on a few times recently and you know the rules and everything, so yeah. If you want people to see this ask some people next time youre in JB.