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Everything posted by Lithium

  1. attachFull22774 has mic A: 6/10 M: 7/10 NEED MEMBERS AND HES MORE ACTIVE THAN CHRONO/PENGUIN/CRISTO xDDDDDDDDDdddddd PLAY ON THE SERVER MORE Totally my original post #snackbar4cl
  2. Lithium

    Jubens 4 L

    +1 would make a great addition to the xg team
  3. Reasonably active and reasonably mature, not completely sure on a +1 yet though, haven't seen enough of you on JB yet.
  4. Lithium

    Jb Maps

    In the next few days, there will be a bunch of new maps on the server! (if they're not already, @Bleed) We went through a bunch of maps and found 6 we think will definitely be good maps to have, as well as one other to try for a bit. ba_jail_soar_beta2 jb_desert_fortress_v8 jb_electric_todestrakt_v26 jb_mountaincraft_v5 jb_nm_kistroll_b1b jb_spy_vs_spy_beta7 And one we're not sure about yet : jb_prison_cell_b1 A few of the less popular maps will also be removed, but we need some opinions on a few other maps: ba_jail_openfield_v1b jb_obama_v5_beta (Still new, some people don't like it that much and its not that popular - so far) jb_prison_cell_b1 (Being added, not sure if it will be good enough) If you have any thoughts on these maps (or any other maps on the server), tell us your thoughts! @SkullKing @Snackbar @Duke @Tsuchikure @DrPepperPhreak @DrLee @Bonk and whatever other xg members actually play on it
  5. +1 very active and knows rules very well. Definitely the most eligible person for mod that plays on the server right now.
  6. +1 quite active, definitely knows the rules so yea
  7. Been up for quite a while now, but yes it is up
  8. I second we no speak americano (@Bleed should have that in the folder of old lct songs) And then this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSHW_iLXTac
  9. +1 a:10 m:10 def should be in xg
  10. Yep def -1, esp for a ban so recent.
  11. There are 2 entities other than the props, a func_tracktrain (named cell_track) which the props are tied to, and a func_wall_toggle (named cell_block). That being said I advocate for going back to the other canyondam..
  12. if we still need these: A:7.5 M:7.5 +1 Can't remember him being a problem at all, seems to be a good guy
  13. +1, not sure if I remember you from before or not, but has been on a lot and def knows rules and seems trustworthy
  14. Lithium

    120 Hz Monitors

    Asus vg248qe is fantastic, and don't forget about lightboost. A lot/most 120/144hz monitors have some form of it built in, and that program gives you a bit better control over it.
  15. +1 not that bad A 8/10 M 10/10
  16. I don't think there's really a chance of bringing CS:S back at all, none of the "higher-ups" have really expressed any interest or care about it. CSGO JB'll be open very soon and then hopefully that'll bring in all the CSS JB people.
  17. This is so helpful. Block all the servers you don't want to play on. Used to be awful when I got on on USW or USSW servers, so I just blocked everything else. And you never run in to russians on USE servers anyways, just french canadians.
  18. Lithium

    Asock - Forum

    +1, is kinda a douche
  19. Well good thing this isn't Gmod RP. It's a lot less serious and even if you no-life it you won't get that much of an advantage over other players. As I mentioned earlier, a few xG members have already gotten into it, but I do think it could be a good way to get a lot of new players into xG. Since I first got on the currently only (english) CSGO RP server, their playercount has gone up a lot. Obviously it'd be hard to predict if its going to truly catch on, but if HL2RP is any indication it's likely to be pretty popular. I have heard that some HL2DM RP servers are working on switching to CSGO so there may be more servers up soon. I've got 3 different RP plugins saved if @Bleed or anyone for that matter wants to take a look at them or try to port them. I've been meaning to start some work on that myself but I haven't set up a test server yet.
  20. I think more than anything else the point of this thread is to see how many people in xG are interested in playing on the existing RP server. Only once there's enough interested xG members (or an established CSGO div) can we really think about making an xG CSGO RP server, which isn't going to be for a long time anyways.
  21. Hi. Yea theres a CSGO RP server thats pretty much a direct port of HL2DM RP. A few xg members have been playing on it @Crona @Insane @iceekills7 Maybe more, idk. It's pretty fun, they've been getting a lot more players very quickly, and its nothing serious like GMOD RP, so it's nice to just get on and mess around with friends. If you want to check the server out, add me and I'll show you around. As for hosting our own server, it'd take quite a bit of work to port the plugin over (theres no public plugin for it yet) and I'm not sure it'd be worth it unless there's more interest. It's certainly likely to be a quickly growing community on CSGO, but seeing as the CSGO div only consists of a locked scrim server who knows if we could get people to play on it. If we did, I've got a couple custom RP maps I've made that have never yet been used that I can port over easily.
  22. Starting about 5 years ago I started my own HL2DM RP server. If you dont know that uses essentially the same version of the source engine as CSS does, and the RP servers require custom configs and setup for every map. Sourcemod works exactly the same in CSS as it does HL2DM, plugins, maps, everything. I ran it from my home pc for a while, until I stopped that to work on maps for a friend's server, of which I was only admin on. For pretty much the next 3 years (on and off) I ran the server (on my own a lot of the time), re-setting everything up every time we switched providers or after we shut down the server for a while, which was fairly often with how much we shut everything down and started over. From all that, I know how to setup servers with sourcemod/metamod, add plugins, add maps, add admins, server.cfg (or any config file) etc. I also did some basic scripting for sourcemod but haven't for a while. I've run test servers on CSS and HL2Dm for testing my maps. @Sojodak was someone who played on those servers so he can vouch for me. Anyways, from past examples, it doesnt seem like the CSS DL's have had to know anything at all about servers so..