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Posts posted by Hype

  1. I'm not going to even entertain the thought that this WASN'T provoked, as he was dealing with an individual who was banned for aimbotting, (I was there to witness most of it). However, it doesn't justify the rude comments.


    +1 for a warning.

    We shouldn't give him a warning, after what people are saying on this thread he has been warned more then once I belive it should be Perma.

  2. We should totes remove cyberpunk and masscc. Bring back delfino airstrip (why was it even removed?). And add minecraft skyloft...I mean add hyrule castle (the wind waker one) because it was fun.

    People wanted Delphino removed, due to there no being spawn protection (no building to protect) and the only resuplly locker was in the middle of the map, close to one of the other teams.

  3. Then please can we remove massc?

    Remove Cyberpunk, has nothing to do with gaming, just because it has posters and music from gaming doesnt mean anything, niether does Lava Giant.


    EDIT: just learned that Lava Giant is a port, Why dont we get the ctf_facing_worlds_2011 link: ctf_facing_worlds_2011 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Capture the Flag) - GAMEBANANA i believe this version has music, which isnt spammed its looped and its quiet and peaceful so its not like the music in cyberpunk.

  4. I remember @Ohstopyou as the guy in JB who always picks people up but me ;w;

    I remember @Blizzard cause he is one of the only people that is active (getting good bosses and maps on SH)

    I remember @NitNat cause I made use her first words when i said i would write fanfiction of her and Bliz

    I remember @Kypari @Tekage for being a butt...

  5. Looks pretty cool, but it's kinda pointless.

    Not trying to sound like an ass, but how is it pointless? A lot of peoplee on the servers have like 10k in hub credits and have nothing to spend it on besides one of the high expensive titles. (Like furfag) Also maybe make some donor items (like how slag has donator stuff called Pounds)