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Posts posted by Hype

  1. Pokemon Go, worries me about what kind of things that can happen, there are already stories about criminals hiding in vans at popular places, as in the poke shops, most likely to rob people when they see alot of people.


    EDIT: As what I mean is, people can use those beacons to attract pokemon, therefore attract civies to the place, where they can rob and make easy moniez

  2. Pretty certain they removed the p2w. Anyway, I just recently got into playing it more since I've had it for like two years, pretty fun stuff. Still pretty bad at it, but slowly learning I suppose.


    Fun game.

    They did, they also said you can unbox all crates but I can't unbox mine .3.

  3. Remove Marioblast_2011 its a bad reskin of an Orange map and the music constantly bugs in the first 3 seconds, and it advertises a other clan/server. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/476626985732957657/64EEF59AB4B67A3308ABAC3D209B866C78CA7BF9/


    @Vexx is a witness on how bad it is






  4. Nah couldn't be, but I know Conne's shize is trippy af and I love it.



    That Mario Kart Deluxe map looks godly


    He made a sequal to the HouseofChaos with undertale stuff everywhere (Maybe we could add that as well :3)


    I also found this trade_plaza remake of Station Square from Sonic adventure maybe this can also be added: Steam Workshop :: Station Square Hotel (Trade_Plaza)s


    EDIT: I do also have a question, why do we have TGH? Why not just make a fun server with maps, there are so many hidden maps on Gamebanana that never get attention, Like Manor_of_fun which is basically a halloween theme explore map, filled with secrets and rewards.


    EDIT2: Grammer mistakes an wanted to link Manor of Fun (manor_of_fun (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA)

  5. I remember this person who went by Winry Rockbell/Karen Hyphen or whatever had some wicked game themed maps that they had made themself. I'd love to be able to play on some of those maps again.

    Do you mean Conne, he helped create this map, its like he is high af when he creates maps...

  6. I'mma get more images on the map, the workshop does not give much info on the map (BTW If your gonna install the map via workshop, I goes into a folder workshop that you have to fine, the screenshot on the end shows where you can find it)


    EDIT!: Image gallery of more of the map [MEDIA=imgur]id=a%2FRqaaP;type=album[/MEDIA]

  7. Mario_kart_deluxe_v3


    This is map I've been trying to find for weeks but I finally found it. The map contains 2 music rooms, a house of chaos (humorus music n stuff everywhere) and a recreation of the Heart chamber in the last story of sonic adventure 2 (Where you first fight the Biolizard) I hope you guys will add this map @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz



    @Bach I thought I did too, then dolphins came into my life


    @BelloWaldi I dun know whos who these days,


    @Rejects Hi Sonic oc Reject :3

  8. Mario_kart_deluxe_v3


    This is map I've been trying to find for weeks but I finally found it. The map contains 2 music rooms, a house of chaos (humorus music n stuff everywhere) and a recreation of the Heart chamber in the last story of sonic adventure 2 (Where you first fight the Biolizard) I hope you guys will add this map @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz



  9. I would like to add Instant Gaming, they're sometimes even cheaper than g2a, same principle though!

    Instant Gaming : buy your Steam, Steambox, Origin, Battle.net and others CD keys for PC cheapest on the net, and receive them instantly 24/7!

    Is the website trustworthy, have you used it before?


    EDIT: Thanks for letting me know Bonk. I don't really trust websites like G2A after the GTA 5 crap that happened

  10. All I can see in the screenshots is him calling someone autistic, asbergers, has acne and something about gay and autism being mental disorders.... where's the racism? I'm kinda +/-0 on this unless there's more to it than shown, seems like standard fudgetalking, maybe a bit over the line but it's no more than other people say, including xG members and some staff... I guess you could warn him or something, not sure where the "perm him" is coming from tho.... :(

    Does it matter? There was already a ban request on him and @Flareon said that he once had to mute him because of it and just recently while still on the server @Jpie112 just had to gag him. proof: Steam Community :: Screenshot