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SnowyMinion last won the day on November 17 2018

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About SnowyMinion

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    Kawaii ツンデレ

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  1. played jailbreak today on the xG servers. have to say... the staffs that were on were pretty... rude..
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    2. Duke


      I'm gonna assume your talking about me in csgo jb. I'm not here to sugarcoat things, i may be a dick but im normally p chill to people, except for boo boo keys has been just outright makin me angry cause its like he half listens to what we tell him and spouts lies to get his way. sorry you had to see it but come back after he gets himself banned and you'll its its nicer.
    3. Tsuchikure


      oh, yeah. duke's rude, but he's a good kind of rude, y'know? :^)
    4. realBelloWaldi


      I really recommend talking to the certain staff member before doing what @[2300:@Forest] said and try to work it out yourself.
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