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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. As of this post, Salazzle should be able to stay in xG. I've decided to personally assist them with the real life problems, giving them enough time to suffer- I mean, serve our community. Yay!

  2. Okay. I don't normally double post, but I'm going to say this, Vixen. xG has chewed you up and spat you back up, but you keep fighting. The community treats you badly despite contributing to them. People show little respect despite how active and hard working you've been, even with the massive amount of personal sacrifices you've had to make to contribute. I can't fathom you quitting, because this clan NEEDS you. You have done so much good, as both a member of the community, and as a member of the staff watching over it. Even if it damaged our friendship, or made things hard, or made you make a ton of hard, painful decisions, that's part of the job, and you managed to pull it off without cracking under the pressure. So please. Don't quit. Don't make all of that effort into a waste of time. Because you, of all people, know how precious time is.

  3. It's just a snarky welcome. Honestly, I don't really know him outside of playing TF2 with him, so maybe he's cool? I just thought it was a bit ironic, tis all.


    Also, @Hiryunix , we were both complaining about staff; I think he'll fit in well here. :)

  4. Jul 12, 2016 6:34:38 pm STOP HARRASSING VEXX


    -Some time later-


    Jul 13, 2016 1:57:38 pm WHAT

    Jul 13, 2016 1:57:41 pm VEXX

    Jul 13, 2016 1:57:48 pm ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

    Jul 13, 2016 1:57:53 pm IT WAS A JOKE

    Jul 13, 2016 1:58:24 pm I ONLY DID IT BECAUSE I ROLLED GODMODE

    Jul 13, 2016 1:58:28 pm I WAS EXITED

    Jul 13, 2016 1:58:43 pm BUT SERIOUSLY

    Jul 13, 2016 1:58:47 pm THIS IS BULLSHIT

    Jul 13, 2016 1:59:03 pm 30 MINUTES????

    Jul 13, 2016 1:59:10 pm AT LEAST 15 MINUTES

    Jul 13, 2016 2:00:01 pm 30 MINUTES IS TOO LONG FOR 3 SECONDS OF FUN


    -Flashback to the previous day-


    Mic chat, slightly after July 12th, 6:34 PM...




    -Flash forward-


    Jul 13, 2016 2:00:05 pm MAKE IT 15

    Jul 13, 2016 2:00:14 pm fuck you

    Jul 13, 2016 2:00:24 pm NO I WASNT

    Jul 13, 2016 2:00:33 pm THIS IS THE FIRST TIME

    Jul 13, 2016 2:00:42 pm AND YOU JUST MUTE ME?



    Hindsight is 20/20. Welcome to [xG]!

  5. @Vector ,


    1. I knew about some of the problems, but not all of them. It was more about the staff than the social intrigue back then.


    2. True, but again, a community is as strong as the relationships between it's users.


    3. Potentially doing so now.


    4. I agree. @Moosty actually pushed for some good changes back in the day.


    5. "EWW CANCER". Yeah, in some cases, it's hard to tell. Can't argue with that.


    6. I built my reputation around that destruction. Heck, people wanted me to write a guide about it. (Which I did, which is hilarious in hindsight since it's completely about Nimbus Camping)


    7. I know. Disrespect is when somebody can't agree to disagree with me. If we disagree, that's okay! Just fine! But I don't feel as if my word was really taken all that well when it mattered most.


    8. The main plan is to leave the greater community. Forums, might remove some steam friends, etc. On occasion (usually when the enemy team is weak or extremely whiny) I might pop in if invited or requested to spawncamp by somebody. (Kitsune, it's your cousin, @Vixen, let's go spawncamping!) You'll see me around, just don't expect me to be as social or wordy as I used to be. Doesn't feel so right.


    @Prism , I'm still gonna be on Steam. Just not here so much.

  6. It's really sad to see ya go, Kitsune.


    However, you keep speaking of certain staff members, yet you don't give us any names. Maybe the forums are not the right palce for doing so, but instead of removing me on steam we could have tried to resolve it.

    If people straight up punish others for spawncamping, that's abuse. Spawncamping is allowed.

    We could have tried to resolve the problem. :(


    It's a lost cause, Bello. If I really, really wanted the situation to be solved, there would be too much drama. Like..Spawncamping and staff abuse used to be these things that I was super passionate about ousting, yeah? These days, I'm just trying to..I'unno. Move along. Enjoy life. Too tired to keep on fighting.


    In these fights, you end up wrong, and people don't understand that you were misinformed -or- didn't know all of the information about the situation, or you end up right, and it takes a ton of poop-talking and drama before people begin to reason with you. You can't make mistakes anymore. You can't be wrong, you can't be right, it's all so confusing. Why should somebody have to beg for another person to understand? What happened to multiple sides, or perspectives on a situation? Circumstances, y'know?

  7. Howdy, people of the forums, people of the clan, and stranger-people whom I may or may not know. This, welp, is a resignation thread. CTRL + F4 and go to [AUSTRALIUM] to skip everything that I have to say and to get to the point.


    For those of you who do not know me, my name is Kitsune. I first became active in the community during the earlier days of the clan, under an alternate handle that I won't be sharing here. After a brief stint from Steam, I returned to the clan with my best friend in the whole wide world, @Vixen . Somehow, people ended up under the impression that we were British lesbians. This was, unfortunately, not the case. We had many good experiences in the clan together, which for me, were some of the very best years that I ever spent playing Team Fortress 2. There was an undying sense of kinship and community. Yeah, we dicked around with each other and made jokes at each other's expense, but at the end of the day, it felt..clean, I guess. Everybody was having a great time. We were friends. Things were good.


    I don't know what happened.


    I really wish that I knew what happened.


    Somehow, Xenogamers went from this little tight-knit community of people with only a few servers to play on into a very ambitious clan, with the same financial troubles, arrogance, and struggles that a clan has. There were scandals, such as the Nomulous Incident. There were fights between friends over stupid things. And there were major losses in the community. So many nice players either left, changed, or did both things. Some people matured and kept that playful spirit inside of them, while others became egotistical, arrogant, or just plain annoying.


    The egotistical part is where poop hits the fan, people.


    In the good old days of Xenogamers, people were cool to one another. This included mods-to-users. A great example is Vector's brief tenure as a staff member. Within weeks, he got multiple great (at the time) staffers promoted, cleaned up a huge amount of problems on the servers, and made it an overall better place. I don't remember if it was him or Bach that organized competitive TGH servers, but that was a ridiculously fun, albeit short-lived affair in our division's colorful history.

    Kitsune, why are you bringing this up? Some of you may ask. Well, it's because back in those days, it didn't exactly feel like staff were..you know, above you. It felt like everybody was equal, and able to be friends with one another. These days, any jokes or allegedly derogatory terms towards xG can result in a staff warning. What was heralded as legendary in the past, Spawncamping is now a stigma that the administrators punish, despite both parties having enjoyed it back then. With gratuitous enforcement of the "Don't complain, use !friendly" policy, it helped to keep the community organized and the regulars..well, regular. Nobody was fighting. Things were good.


    Now, there were dark times in those days, and for those of you who remember them..well, feel free to share. But I'm sharing my standpoint and experiences on here. And to me, those bad times are what I see pretty frequently these days. A lot more poop-talking happens. Respect for your fellow user has fallen to an all-time low. I don't just say this because I'm a recipient of it, but because a lot of people have been affected by this. Folks are hurt. From rude stuff whispered behind (allegedly) closed doors, to open arguments and insults over the most petty things, the community standards for xG have gone down a whole lot.


    Maybe things could of been different.



    To me, Xenogamers is, and always will be, a community. It never was this super-badass clan, it never was this ambitious ruler of competitive play. It'l always be a place where you can go to make friends..in practice. Maybe things will change. Maybe things will get better. But for now, maybe forever, I'm out. I can't involve myself in a group where people can't show each other respect without an administrator or moderator threatening them.


    Now, I'll also say this. Xenogamers also has kind, awesome people who contribute to the community. Some of the newer clan members, such as @ThunderLimes , @Ceyahdev , @Prism/Blue/WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS NOW, have definitely shown signs of being easygoing, cool, friendly, etcetera. And I hope that things end up getting better for xG, that the whole sense of community ends up coming back.


    Chances are, if you see me on Team Fortress 2, I'll be spawncamping someone, somewhere. Cheers.


    - Kitsune

  8. People don't just quit on Nimbus, Moosty. I've seen a full server plenty of times on that map. While people -do- complain, it isn't nearly as bad as some other maps at culling the population.


    What I'm saying is to do genuine observation. Take your time, soak in how the population changes, and etc. Say that a different map did this; Wouldn't it be the same scenario? There is no need to nitpick through a well-written paragraph and ignore every other point to use it for an argument with me; It's a really rude thing to do, especially when I've already acknowledged the map's flaws, and Lethalgamer has addressed some good points. People have even agreed that both sides have good points. Can't you?


    So, I'll ask you again; Why are you pushing this civil discussion into an argument?

  9. @Vixen @Goblins


    A. Yes, I was bringing it up. I showed my support for keeping nimbus, while also agreeing with the finer points of people's opinions while on the game. (On that note, a lot of the stuff Bone says, barring the positives, can be applied to Rusty Bucket Bay - RED has a door, BLU has a teleport spawn.)




    bot.png Notice: @Ceyahdev is our newest member. Welcome!

    avatar_female_s.png Kyla: oh hey ceyah

    Kitsune: Welcome to the forums.

    Kitsune: Ceyahdev is the Rank 1 player of TF2, having usurped my title as Rank 1 in my absense.

    Kitsune: That being said, it's great to have him here.

    Vixen: What, Kitsune, you weren't Rank 1, I was. I stopped playing for months and let Ceyah go for it.

    Kitsune: Ha, I knew you'd respond to it. Yes, Vixen here was Rank 1.

    I was rank 2. =P

    Ceyahdev: i just made this account 1 minute ago

    Kitsune: Welcome. Use that 1 minute to go vote yes to keeping nimbus

    Ceyahdev: kk

    Kitsune: The vote is neck and neck.

    Ceyahdev: how do i vote btw

    Owl: i remember when i was rank 1 on something

    Owl: : /////

    Kitsune: those were dark days.

    And @Owl chose to reflect on his complicated, romanticized history. He thought he could run away from the man in the mysterious toque, and so he did. Yet he could not outrun the loss of his beloved. Who was his beloved? I don't know.


    Alright, silliness aside..Seriously? Are you really nitpicking me for asking an old friend to vote on keeping Nimbus Land? I even told people on the server that while I felt strongly towards keeping it, they had brought up good points about it. Especially @Goblins.

  10. Being impartial is also useful, correct? Having that special touch that calms folks down in an argument? I can see those as good qualities in a staff member, myself.


    A huge thing about moderating also involves circumstances. Being able to make the right call, even if it isn't always by-the-book. Sometimes, this causes conflict, but taking a bit of administrative lenience towards newer players is one of the nicest things that an admin can do. At least, till they begin to freekill or intentionally break rules.

  11. A new XenoGamers subdivision? And in one of my favorite Garry's Mod modes, too? Sign me up!

    I'd be more than willing to contribute in any way I can, even if I don't make the cut. TTT is a Garry's Mod classic, and seeing a new division blossoming based on such a fun mode makes me brim with joy, odd as that may sound. What do you normally expect out of a Garry's Mod staffer? I assume that unlike TF2, I'll spend a lot of time as a spectator? (Or other potential staffers, for that matter.)


    If you're curious about my moderating experience, past credentials, etc etc, check my Moderator application.

  12. If you want to talk long term, we've had problems with Nimbus long enough term. What happens if we remove maps for balance? You're claimimg it would be a slippery slope (my all time favorite logocal fallacy tbh) and you're not making a very good argument. If maps cause problems to the extent nimbus does, they should be removed. Saying "if we remove this then we'll have to just remove more then it'll be worse" that was the argument against gay marriage and abortion rights and spoiler alert the people who made those arguments were wrong. What happens long term if we remove nimbus and other unbalanced maps? The server improves.


    If we're going to debate that, then we can't forget about the Treaty of Versailles? That led to World War 2 and The Great Depression. Short term solution, long term consequences.

    That being said, gay marriage and abortion rights are both good things to of pushed for, and a great example of the circumstances behind a situation. I'm not being conservative on Nimbus because of nostalgia goggles. There are worse maps to be rid of than this one.

  13. You still didn't respond to "What about the long term". Reread what I said; If we start removing maps because of competitive balancing instead of bad design (COUGHSPEEDHIGHWAYCOUGH), what then?


    As I said, we'd end up losing maps like Clocktown, or Rusty Bucket, or Click-Clock, instead of maps that crashed computers or caused major bugs for people, such as Echidna Shrine or Edventures.

  14. My opinion is that not only are you wrong, you're doing it on purpose to mislead. The map design favors red and it takes no skill to shoot down an area as wide as two playermodels. No amount of skill will reflect a bison projectile, and It will go through the entire team. It's not a skill based difference, atleast on nimbus, whatsoever.


    1. You can use that same advantage against RED. They will come to you.

    2. On purpose to mislead? What? I'm speaking from experience, Moosty. Yes, the RED team has the castle, and for some, that is an inherent advantage. But BLU has the entire courtyard to use. Simply take advantage of that fact. After all, RED cannot establish a reliable foothold due to the rule changes. Yes, they can take over one of the houses, but it only takes an Ubercharge to stop them.

    3. The first thread was put up because he didn't like that BLU kept getting killed. That can refer to A: Poor Design or B: Skill Discrepancy. His opinion could reliably be on either, perhaps both factors.

    4. Can't a Machina projectile also penetrate players? Sure, you can block their critical hits - but you can do the same thing with the Bison, too. The Bison also deals, on average, 46 damage without a critical hit. A critical shot can deal upwards of 120 to 160, but this again relies on:


    A. Being a Sniper, an Engineer without the Gunslinger, or a Demoman with a Claymore.


    B. Having absolutely no health increasing items on.


    C. Taking the entire shot.

    You also didn't respond to what I said. If we remove this map due to "Balance", what about the other maps? Why don't you acknowledge the long term?

  15. Rejects, wasn't the whole debate on nimbus due to skill, not map design? If we removed a map on the sheer notion of "Oh, RED can spawncamp BLU", we'd be removing, say, Click Clock Wood, Clocktown, Rusty Bucket Bay.. on the same basis.


    Case in point; There are a lot of maps that wouldn't play very well if we cared for the balancing. I personally think that it'd be a bad idea to remove a map just because it wasn't good for competitive play, specifically because TGH is Trade Gaming History; A.K.A, a trade server. If people have a problem with the balance and fighting, then they can just go !friendly.

    Skill discrepancy is the name of the game here, folks, and if we start to remove maps because of it, it's going to cause a major backdraft in map quality.

    That's my opinion. Any thoughts?